


美式发音: [ˈpʊʃˌoʊvər] 英式发音: [ˈpʊʃˌəʊvə(r)]



复数:pushovers  同义词

n.dupe,soft touch,softy,sucker,gull



1.轻易的事;容易获得的胜利a thing that is easy to do or win

The game will be a pushover.赢得这场比赛将会是轻而易举的事。

2.容易说服的人;耳软心活的人;好说话的人a person who is easy to persuade or influence

I don't think she'll agree─she's no pushover.我想她不会同意,她可不好说话。


n.1.someone who is easy to influence or persuade, or an opponent who is easy to defeat2.something that is easy to achieve

1.静力弹塑性分析 pushing 有精力的 pushover 闲差事 pushpin 图钉 ...

4.静力增量分析位移量之分析- 连续性载重之分析- 塑性铰构材- 静力增量分析(Pushover) – FEMA 356- 动力非线性分析- Gap(仅受压构材)/Ho…


6.推覆我想是不是可以这样回答,能力曲线由推覆pushover)曲线转换而来的,因此,问题就转换为:推覆时候用到什么本构?这 …

7.推覆分析要使推覆分析( Pushover)方法得到合理的精确的分析结果,首先必须解决水平侧向力的分布问题。尽管目前国内外学者已经对 …


1.You know, Put up a fight, dude. You are such a pushover.你知道,你该跟老婆打一架,伙计。你这人太易于受人控制了。

2.She was such a pushover that she swallowed every story he told her.她是如此轻信以致于她相信所有他讲的故事。

3.(Clemens may have had his doubts about the existence of God, but he was a pushover for the paranormal. ) Mme.(克莱门斯可能怀疑过上帝的存在,但很容易被超自然的现象所迷惑。)

4.He was always trying new medicines and was a pushover for all the advertisements he saw.他总是在尝试新的药品,看到什么广告他都忍不住要试一试。

5.That guy is a pushover for flattery. If you want him to help you, all you have to do is popsh an apple.那家伙很喜欢受人奉承。你想要他帮你,只要拍拍他马屁就行了。

6.Since then thousands of Turks have discovered that the blonde with the degree in economics is no pushover.从那时以来,成千上万的土耳其人就已发现这位有经济学学位的金发女人决不是一个没主见的人。

7.The target displacement of each mode in pushover analysis can be obtained with inelastic spectrums.对应每阶振型下推覆分析的目标位移采用弹塑性反应谱来计算。

8.I am very sincere to people. But I can be very nasty, if you angered me. I am no pushover !我对人很真诚,但有时也会生气,那是因为你惹到我了,我也绝不示弱!

9.Will soon leave negotiating table, but role as spiritual leader intact. Preaches non-violence, but His Hopness is no pushover.虽然将很快离开谈判桌,但作为精神领袖的作用不变,宣扬非暴力,但他的圣洁不受影响。

10.Tiger wife. Power vegan. Volleyball champ. The spouse of media mogul Rupert Murdoch is no pushover.虎妻,强力的素食主义者,排球运动员,传媒大亨鲁珀特·默多克的妻子,不是一个容易被击败人。