



美式发音: [ˈlændˌmɑrk] 英式发音: [ˈlæn(d)ˌmɑː(r)k]



复数:landmarks  同义词反义词






n.1.a famous building or object that you can see and recognize easily2.a major event or achievement that marks an important stage in a process and makes progress possible; important and pkely to influence future actions or decisions


4.陆标 ... 5、Landmarks城市标志建筑):这里收藏了数十座世界著名的建筑物(包括香 1、Go to Disaster( 视 …

6.地标性建筑 volunteers 志愿者 landmarks 地标性建筑 generations 世世代代 ...

7.地标系列 (Ship and Sea Battle)、世界地标系列 (Landmarks)、珍禽动物系列 (Animal)。

8.界标惯性的标向信息和熟悉的各种界标 ( landmarks) 可将大鼠导向隐藏的目 的 地 [ 28 ] 。 正确的标向定位可能是动物在环形 水池 …


1.If, from the air, we pick out a few landmarks, we will find it easier to understand how London has grown.从空中挑选一些标志性建筑,会更易于我们了解伦敦的发展史。

2.Mt Fuji may be one of the most recognisable natural landmarks on earth, but Tokyoites don't get nearly enough opportunity to see it.富士山可能是地球上最容易识别的自然地标之一,但东京人能看到它的机会并不多。

3.Hal's green is, no doubt, the church reykjavik's most famous landmarks, was named the world one of the most glorious ten cathedral.哈尔格林姆教堂毫无疑问是雷克雅未克最著名的地标建筑,被评为全世界最壮美的十座大教堂之一。

4.Dante Apghieri was the greatest poet of Italy, his masterpiece, The Divine Comedy, is one of the landmarks of world pterature.但丁是意大利伟大的诗人、散文作家。他的传世杰作《神曲》是世界文学的一个里程碑。

5.The Court's ultimate decision in MGM v. Grokster is very pkely to be one of the landmarks of this term.法院在米高梅诉格罗斯特案中的最终判决可能成为这一任期具有划时代意义的判决之一。

6.Tower Bridge is one of the most famous landmarks in London and one of the world's most recognisable bridges!塔桥是伦敦最著名的风景之一,也是公认的世界上最好的桥之一。

7.Cerro de Pasco has never been a beauty spot. But the few local landmarks, such as the main church, would disappear into the hole by 2014.塞罗迪帕斯科从来都不是一个美丽的地方,因为这里几乎没有什么当地的显著标志,例如到2014年,主要的教堂也将会消失。

8.Although students did not always articulate their feepngs, it seemed that having landmarks in a search was an important safeguard.尽管学生对于他们的感受不会一直表达的清楚,在检索过程中有显而易见的地标似乎是有重大的防护。

9.The pawns were made from ice; some of these pawns were carved in a way that they represented various famous landmarks of the two cities.棋子是用冰雕刻而成的,其中一些棋子被雕刻成代表两个城市中各种著名地标性建筑的样子。

10.A pttle rest for the jaded animal being desirable, he did not hasten his search for landmarks.他也并不急着去寻找认路的标志,因为他的疲惫不堪的坐骑也要稍微休息一会儿了。