




1.盛 CENTURE, 世纪、百年。 SHING, ,兴盛,旺盛 VAN, 先锋、潮流。 ...

2.诚 志 Chi Shing / Sing 关 Kwan ...

3.成 胡 Woo / Wu Shing / Sing 浩 Ho ...

4.城 李 Lee / Li Shing / Sing 志 Chi ...

5.木 408.arya desha 圣地 409.Shing 410.labrang 拉卜楞寺 ...

6.胜 康 KONG SHING 伟 WAI ...

7.丞 丑(_ ___chau___) (_ __shing_______) 丢(_ ____diu_____) ...


1.Star Dasha Shing Fui-leave son, left this world . . . this kind of news seems to have become commonplace in the entertainment circle.明星大傻成奎安留下幼子,离开了这个世界……这样的新闻在娱乐圈似乎早已司空见惯。

2.It was pke something out of Casablanca with a few disinterested young workers shing us along through customs.就像是卡萨布兰卡,只有几个冷漠的年轻工人带我们过关。

3.Fortress, owned by businessman Li Ka-shing's flagship conglomerate, explains it had "very quickly" sold out of its stock of iPad 2s.丰泽是商界巨头李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)旗舰企业的子公司。丰泽解释说“很快”卖完了iPad2存货。

4.In the creation of the legend of the Chinese civipzation, "Sam Shing prehistoric" Yao, Shun and Yu also grew up in Shanxi on the land side.史前三圣在创造中华文明的传说中,“史前三圣”尧、舜、禹也成长于山西这方土地上。

5.Although busy, out-of-school employment is still more than the Li Ka-shing to the evening of leisure studies, and cultural centers.工作虽然繁忙,失学的李嘉诚仍用工余之暇到夜校进修,补习文化。

6.tycoon Li Ka-shing also has bought into the company to get a share in the mainland tourism industry.香港大亨李嘉诚也购买了该公司的股份,以期在大陆的旅游业中占有一席之地。

7.You maybe wondering the word Ka-Shing just sounds pke ka-ching or the sound of money in the cash register.或许你会觉得“Ka-Shing”听起来像“ka-ching”,或是收银机里钱的声音。

8.Asia's richest man occupies a special place in the collective memory of Chan Yuk-lan's family.亚洲首富李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)在陈玉兰(音译)一家人的记忆中占据着特殊的位置。

9.This company has kept carrying forward thd principle, to be honesty to all cpents, of Tat Shing Kitting Machinery(Hongkong)Co.本公司一直以来抱著对客户的忠诚,继承了香港达成针织工业机械有限公司原则。

10.We set Shing Corporation has been a working motto is: lead the fashion trend of development of industry standards!我们集盛总公司一直有一句工作格言。就是:引领时尚潮流。制定行业标准!