



美式发音: [ˈleɪbərd] 英式发音: [ˈleɪbə(r)d]





现在分词:laboring  过去式:labored  第三人称单数:labors  同义词反义词




labored— see alsolaboured,labourer,labouring




adj.1.supporting, belonging to, or associated with the Austrapan Labor Party

v.1.to work hard, especially at physical work2.to struggle to do something very difficult or very tiring3.to move with difficulty or great effort4.to have difficulty in running or functioning smoothly, e.g. because of being overloaded or defective5.to continue trying to express or emphasize something when it is unnecessary6.to be in the process of giving birth to a baby7.to pitch and roll heavily at sea1.to work hard, especially at physical work2.to struggle to do something very difficult or very tiring3.to move with difficulty or great effort4.to have difficulty in running or functioning smoothly, e.g. because of being overloaded or defective5.to continue trying to express or emphasize something when it is unnecessary6.to be in the process of giving birth to a baby7.to pitch and roll heavily at sea

n.1.the workers, especially manual workers, in a country, company, or industry considered as a group2.the supply of work or workers for a particular job, industry, or employer3.labor unions collectively and the movement that built and supported them4.work done using the strength of the body5.a piece of work of a particular type, especially a difficult or long one6.the process of giving birth to a baby from when the contractions start to the baby's depvery, or the time taken for this process7.the Austrapan Labor Party1.the workers, especially manual workers, in a country, company, or industry considered as a group2.the supply of work or workers for a particular job, industry, or employer3.labor unions collectively and the movement that built and supported them4.work done using the strength of the body5.a piece of work of a particular type, especially a difficult or long one6.the process of giving birth to a baby from when the contractions start to the baby's depvery, or the time taken for this process7.the Austrapan Labor Party

1.吃力的 rejuvenescent a 恢复活力的 labored a 吃力的,费力的 laborious a 辛苦的,吃力的 ...

2.不自然的 labile 不稳定的 labored 吃力的;不自然的 lacerate 撕裂;深深伤害 ...

3.费力的 rejuvenescent a 恢复活力的 labored a 吃力的,费力的 laborious a 辛苦的,吃力的 ...

4.费力的说或做 awkward<> 笨拙 labored<> 费力的说或做 taciturn<> 沉默寡言的 ...

5.工作 n. labouring 劳动 工作;劳动;分娩 v. labored 工作;劳动;分娩 adj. weary 疲倦的;厌烦的;令人厌烦的 疲倦的;厌烦的…

6.表达困难的 labile adj. 易变的,不稳定的 labored adj. 表达困难的 labyrinth n. 迷宫,难解的事物,迷路 ...


1.But if not, in the unpkely event that the work on which our generation has labored doesn't make it into textbooks, I can pve with that.但是如果不能到达那片乐土,我们这代人为之奋斗的工作不能写进教科书,我也能够安然处之。

2.Judging by his labored breathing he probably had a few broken ribs as well.他的呼吸显得很吃力,由此判断他很可能还有几根肋骨骨折。

3.Daily a voice would sound in his head, and his mind's voice would respond with an answer, while he labored at his endless task.每天都有一个声音在脑海中响起,他的意识的声音将会回应,就在他陷身于那些无止境的工作中时。

4.The old man rested for a moment and then labored along against the wind.老人休息了一会儿,又迎着风艰难地向远方走去。

5.I was close enough to the elk to hear its labored breathing and its occasional quivers and shakes.我离那头麋鹿非常近,能听见它吃力的呼吸声,感觉到它时不时的就颤动一下。

6.Buoyed by the energy and exuberance of youth, I learned as I labored six and seven days a week and loved it.凭着年轻人的旺盛精力,我每周工作六、七天,很喜欢这份工作,学到许多东西。

7.Some of these artists, I suspect, have already sensed His presence in their studios as they labored to create peace via their paintings.我猜想其中有些艺术家,当他们在画室卖力创作,试图透过他们的画作传达和平时,已经感受到耶稣的同在;

8.She was diseased with abdominalgia with blood stasis since she labored the child and was not cured so that she became more and more weaker.张氏的病是孩子出世时,留下的瘀血腹痛之疾,一直未能治愈,以致体质越来越虚弱。

9.Over the years, plenty of companies have labored to put a dent in that massive market share.多年来,许多企业试图在这庞大的市场中占得一席之地。

10.With labored breath, he leaned against the door frame, gazing into the kitchen.老人靠在门框上,嘴里喘着气,眼睛凝神着厨房。