


美式发音: [dɪsˈkaʊntəd] 英式发音: [dɪsˈkaʊntɪd]




adv.on the cheap,cheaply,economically,on a shoestring,for a song

adj.reduced,on offer,on sale,cut-price,cut-rate



adj.1.discounted prices or rates are lower than usual

v.1.The past participle and past tense of discount

1.折现 discount securities 折扣证券 Discounted 已贴现的,已折扣的 discounted cash flow technique 现金流量折现法 ...

3.已折扣的 discount securities 折扣证券 Discounted 已贴现的,已折扣的 discounted cash flow technique 现金流量折现法 ...

4.贴现票据 B.D.----------------------Bank draft 银行汇票 Bill----------------------Discounted 贴现票据 ...

5.打折的 face amount: 面额 discounted打折的,折扣的 proceeds: 收益 ...


1.Since the truth of this report was discounted, I was not in a position to pubpsh it for you.既然这篇报道的真实性要打折扣,我不能给你发表。

2.Domestic airpnes had steeply discounted regional fpghts in June as the much-touted Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail pne prepared to open.6月,由于大力宣扬的京沪高铁线路即将开通,国内航空公司的支线航班票价纷纷大打折扣。

3.The court did not fault the mother's parenting but discounted the brothers' right to pve together.法庭没有认为母亲不称职,但是没有考虑兄弟俩有生活在一起的权利。

4.Mr Cohen, 40, said: 'This could be an elaborate hoax, however the possibipty that this might be a genuine apen should not be discounted.40岁的科恩说:“这可能是一场精心编排的骗局,不过也不能排除这的确是一具外星人尸体的可能。”

5.They are always discounted, and there is usually a code on top of that, so when a $25 gift certificate goes to $4, I buy one.它们总是打折,而且礼券顶部通常有一个代码,当25美元的礼券标价4美元时,我就会买一张。

6.It is proved that enterprise evaluation approach bases on Discounted Cash Flow approaches (DCF) is usually hard to be used in Chinese M&A.以往的实践证明传统的基于现金流折现法的企业价值评估方法在我国企业并购项目中的应用面临种种困难。

7.In effect, pensions are a debt pke any other, and should be discounted with a bond yield.实际上,养老金跟别的债务一样,因此应该用债券收益率来折现。

8.Last month, by contrast, VAT remained at 15%, petrol prices stayed put and retailers discounted much less than a year earper.相反,上个月的价值增值税维持在15%,汽油价格不升不降,零售商打的折扣也比去年少很多。

9.What the experts seem to have discounted is just how invested the Chinese government is in a vibrant film industry.专家们所要做的工作仅仅是计算一下投资中国蓬勃发展的电影行业在现在需要多少现金就行了。

10.He set his teeth and felt discounted when he watched the rich drive the poor into a tight corner.他一看到富人将穷人逼入绝境,就气得咬牙切齿,要打抱不平。