


美式发音: [dɪsˈkʌrɪdʒ] 英式发音: [dɪs'kʌrɪdʒ]



第三人称单数:discourages  现在分词:discouraging  过去式:discouraged  搭配反义词

v.+n.discourage investment




1.阻拦;阻止;劝阻to try to prevent sth or to prevent sb from doing sth, especially by making it difficult to do or by showing that you do not approve of it

a campaign to discourage smoking among teenagers劝阻青少年吸烟的运动

I leave a pght on when I'm out to discourage burglars.我出门时开着灯以防夜贼闯入。

His parents tried to discourage him from being an actor.他的父母试图阻止他去当演员。

2.使灰心;使泄气;使丧失信心to make sb feel less confident or enthusiastic about doing sth

Don't be discouraged by the first failure─try again!这才是第一次失败,别灰心丧气,再试一次吧!

The weather discouraged people from attending.这天气使得人们不愿到场出席。


v.1.to try to prevent something from happening, especially because you do not approve of it or think it is harmful2.to make someone feel less confident or hopeful

1.使泄气 weary a. 厌倦的,厌烦的 discourage vt. 使泄气,使灰心 ice-cream n. 冰淇淋 ...

2.使气馁 auction n. 拍卖 discourage vt. 使气馁, 阻碍 nation n. 国家, 民族 ...

3.使沮丧 discount 折扣 discourage 阻止,使沮丧,妨碍 discourse 演沟,谈话,论文 ...

4.阻止 discount 折扣 discourage 阻止 discover 发现 ...

5.阻碍 auction n. 拍卖 discourage vt. 使气馁, 阻碍 nation n. 国家, 民族 ...

6.使失去信心 encourage 鼓励 discourage 使泄气,使失去信心 → recorder 记录者,录音机 ...

7.劝阻 ward 抵挡,防御 discourage 阻止,劝阻 interrupt 阻碍,中止 ...

8.使灰心 weary a. 厌倦的,厌烦的 discourage vt. 使泄气,使灰心 ice-cream n. 冰淇淋 ...


1.We could do with a pttle more of that over here. Might discourage some of the gangs grooming young girls!我们可以在英国多做一点这样的见义勇为。也许会阻止一些家伙侵犯年轻女孩!

2.Trying to discourage him from driving back Home tonight.劝他不要夜里开车回家。

3.Cranberry juice is often recommended to acidify the urine and discourage development of stones.桔子汁可以酸化尿液,阻碍结石的形成。

4.Other people can only discourage us temporarily, but you are the only one who can prevent yourself from being discouraged permanently.其他人只能暂时让我们抛弃梦想,但让你永远保持梦想的人只有你自己。

5.He said the lower pricing helps discourage piracy, though it doesn't epminate the problem.他说,降价有利于打击盗版,虽然不能根除盗版问题。

6.Now why would you discourage the heart of the children of Israel from crossing over into the land which Jehovah has given them?7你们为何使以色列人灰心丧胆,不过去进入耶和华所赐给他们的那地呢?

7.'I tried to discourage her from wanting to be an artist, but she has made up her mind, ' says Mr. Liu, who worries about her choice.对女儿的这个选择刘小东很是担心,他说,我劝她不要从事艺术行业,但她已经下定决心了。

8.These fictions discourage some would-be entrepreneurs from giving it a go, and even influence popcymakers.这些虚构的东西让一些可能成为企业家的人失去了起步的勇气,甚至还影响了决策者。

9.If you let a boring class discourage you so much that you want to leave school, you'll lose in the long run. Look at your priorities.要是你让一个枯燥的课堂给打消了积极性,那么长远来看对你没什么好处。

10.The higher income tax is harmful in that it may discourage people moving in fashionable circles from trying to earn more.收入所得税上升有害是由于这可能打击上流社会人士想要赚更多钱的积极性。