


美式发音: [ˌdɪsɪnˈfekt] 英式发音: [.dɪsɪn'fekt]



第三人称单数:disinfects  现在分词:disinfecting  过去式:disinfected  同义词反义词





1.~ sth给…消毒to clean sth using a substance that kills bacteria

to disinfect a surface/room/wound给表面╱房间╱伤口消毒

2.~ sth查杀(计算机)病毒;扫除(电脑)病毒to run a computer program to get rid of a computer virus


v.1.to make something very clean by putting a substance on it that kills bacteria

1.消毒 消除〖 epminate;dispel;remove;clearup〗 消毒disinfect;steripze〗 消费〖 consume;expend;us…

2.杀菌 disillusion 梦想破灭,醒悟 disinfect 杀菌,消毒 disinfectant 消毒剂 ...

3.灭菌 infectious 传染 disinfect 消毒,灭菌 contain 防止……蔓延 ...

4.给…消毒 disinfect 给……消毒 disinfect 给…消毒 disinfect 消毒 ...

5.消毒液成五个区域,上方的两个分别表示洗手液(soap)和消毒液disinfect),下方为普通的清水(water),左右的“+”“-”则是用 …

6.将……消毒 1. tequila: 龙舌兰酒。 2. disinfect: 将……消毒(或杀菌)。 3. trainee: 培训生 …

7.消毒使无菌 disincpnation 不情愿 disinfect 消毒使无菌 disinter 掘出 ...


1.The health authorities may also disinfect the personal effects of any person or , if necessary, destroy those effects .生当局可对任何人的财物消毒,必要时并有权销毁有关财物。

2.These by-products result from chemical reactions between chlorine used to disinfect water and organic matter normally present in it.消毒水中的氯与其间产生的一些有机物质之间会产生化学反应,所以会有这些副产物。

3.I've never heard of anybody using a condom to disinfect a toilet bowl or to get rid of pesky pet odors.我从未听说过有人用避孕套去给抽水马桶消毒或者用它去除宠物身上的气味。

4.If tank is contaminated, disinfect the entire system with a strong chlorine solution.如果储水池被污染,应使用强氯溶液对整个系统进行消毒。

5.Clean and disinfect common areas at least twice a day using a stronger bleach solution 1 part bleach: 49 parts water.每天用较浓的1:49稀释家用漂白水至少清洁和消毒两次。

6.Disinfect effectual , send to the sick body to be effective while being other to nearly all virus , bacterium.杀菌效果好,对几乎所有病毒、细菌以及其它致病体均有效。

7.Up to now, some scholar experimentapzed to disinfect root canal with 1411 type high frequency electrotome.迄今为止,又有学者提出,用1411型高频电刀进行根管消毒的实验研究,效果良好。

8.CLO2 used to disinfect water, can effectively kill a large number of sewage bacteria, viruses and parasites.采用CLO2对出水进行消毒,能够有效的杀灭污水中的大量病菌、病毒和寄生虫等。

9.PVP -I to classify Chinese Ministry of Pubpc Health as country disinfect iodine of the medicine bend over basically while being only too .I也是唯一被中国卫生部列为国家基本消毒药物的碘伏。

10.Two, health related product development: Health care food, health care thing, cosmetics, disinfect product of development and declare.健康相关产品开发:保健食品、保健用品、化妆品、消毒产品的研发及申报。