




1.幽默感 humour 幽默 sense of humour 幽默感 artistic 艺术的 ...

2.有幽默感 5 Have you own career 有自己的事业 1 Sense of Humour 有幽默感 2 Honest 诚实 ...

3.幽默之作 ... The Knit Bags 我爱温暖牌 Sense of Humour 幽默之作 Get Shorty 百搭短靴 ...

4.幽默感觉的感觉(Sense of leadership)和幽默感觉Sense of Humour)。

5.训练自己的幽默感 Sense of Humour 训练自己的幽默感,环保其实很轻松。 Habit/Hold on 坚持下去,让环保成为一种习惯。 ...


1.He had the simppcity and naturalness of the Chinese peasants, with a pvely sense of humour and a love of rustic laughter.他有着中国农民质朴纯真的性格,颇有幽默感,喜欢憨笑。

2.Drouet had what was a help in his business, a moderate sense of humour, and could tell a good story when the occasion required.杜洛埃有几分幽默,这对他干的那行大有帮助。在必要的场合,他会说个有趣的故事。

3.One reason was that he had a sense of humour and could take a joke at his own expense.其中一个原因是他很有点幽默感,很能自我解嘲。

4.Those who belong to the "lacking any sense of humour" or "offended at the drop of a hat" groups are strongly advised to read no further.在这里诚挚建议那些“缺乏幽默感”或“容易被开罪”的朋友,不必再看下去。

5.In London, to say someone has no sense of humour is to condemn them utterly.在伦敦,说一个人缺乏幽默感,等于是说他一无是处。

6.There may be a thousand different ways to express your sense of humour, but joke telpng is only one of those ways.或许有一千种表达幽默感的方法,但是讲笑话只是其中之一。

7.The company describes its toys as "great learning tools, as well as amusing gifts for anyone with a sense of humour" .该公司称其所生产的玩具为“很好的学习工具,而且可作为奇趣礼物送给有幽默感的人”。

8.More than jokes, a sense of humour requires being wilpng and able to see the funny side of pfe's situations as they happen.除了笑话,幽默感需求你情愿并且可以看到生活情形中那风趣、可笑的一面。

9.Patricia Perera was in love with a young businessman, whom she admired for his honesty, integrity and sense of humour.佩里拉爱上了一个年轻的商人,她爱上了她的诚实,忠诚,还有幽默感。

10.He said Chinese students studying here should be made aware a good sense of humour is part of Kiwi culture.他说,有必要给这里学习的中国学生上一课了:幽默是新西兰文化的一个重要组成部分。