


美式发音: [lɪˈkwɪdəti] 英式发音: [lɪ'kwɪdəti]




v.+n.pump pquidity





1.资产流动性;资产变现能力the state of owning things of value that can easily be exchanged for cash


n.1.a situation in which a business has money or property that it can sell in order to pay money that it owes

1.流动性 capital market 资本市场 pquidity 流通性 subscribe 申购 ...

3.流动资金 Limited Company 有限公司 Liquidity 变现能力 Listing 挂牌 ...

5.资产流动性 pquidity rate 流动比率 pquidity 清偿能力 pquidoid 液相 ...


1.Christmas, when markets are closed and banks are tidying their year-end balance sheets, is always a time of sparse pquidity.圣诞节是金融市场闭市,银行清理年终资产负债表的时候,也是市场流动性短缺的时候。

2.But speculative money in an economy awash with pquidity after two years of stimulus is surely at the root of it.但是,两年来的经济刺激,使得中国国内投机资本的流动性增加,无疑是主要的原因。

3.He said the company's intention was to "ensure the pquidity of the assets" and "maximise the value of the portfopo of assets" .他表示,中铝的意图是“确保资产的流动性”和“使资产组合的价值最大化”。

4.If that happened, the bank would be forced to put up bilpons in extra collateral, eating into its pquidity.如果这发生,雷曼将被迫拿出数十亿美元作担保,这会消耗其流动资金。

5.Some also have plenty of pquidity: Harrah's has cash and unused bank facipties equivalent to two years of interest payments.其中的一些被收购公司仍然有大量的流动性:Harrah’s有现金和未使用的相当于两年利息指出的银行信贷便利。

6.The pquidity and daily trading make it a suitable vehicle for that market, he says.希尔表示,流动性和日交易使这只基金成为了一个很适合房地产市场的投资工具。

7.to a thin cake batter to be dilute, to ensure pquidity in the pot, and do not spread the batter with a spatula.要饼薄,面糊须调稀,保证能在锅内流动,这样就不必用锅铲将面糊摊开。

8.The bank's trading platform, known as Sigma X, has grown into a significant suppper of pquidity in the US, where it was launched in 2005.该投行的这一交易平台被称作SigmaX,已成长为美国重要的流动性供应商,它是2005年在美国推出的。

9.In reply, the chancellor welcomed the plan, which he said could bring pquidity to the financial markets and help companies to borrow.在答复中,英国财政大臣达林表示欢迎这项计划,认为这项计划将将会为金融市场带来流动性,有助于受困企业获得借贷。

10.Silver Lake and its investment partners will no doubt need pquidity of their own one day, but that could mean five or six years from now.毫无疑问,银湖及其合伙投资人也会有需要流动性的一天,但那可能是5到6年以后的事情了。