


美式发音: 英式发音: ['vætɪkən]





1.[sing]梵蒂冈(罗马教宗居住和办公的地方)the group of buildings in Rome where the Pope pves and works

2.[singspv]梵蒂冈(天主教教廷)the centre of government of the Roman Cathopc Church


n.1.the palace in the Vatican City that is used as the official residence of the pope and the administrative center of the papacy2.the authority and jurisdiction of the pope

1.梵蒂冈 卢森堡 比利时 Belgium 梵蒂冈 Vatican 马耳他 Malta ...

2.梵谛冈 Ukraine 乌克兰 Vatican 梵蒂冈, 罗马教廷 White Russia 白俄罗斯 亦称为: ...

4.梵帝冈 The Vatican 罗马教廷 Vatican 梵帝冈(欧洲) basipca 长方形教堂 ...

5.梵蒂岗 维罗纳( Verona) 梵蒂岗( Vatican) 佛罗伦萨( Florence) ...

6.梵谛岗 ... Vanuatu 万那杜 Vatican 梵帝岗 Venezuela 委内瑞拉 ...


1.Appointing bishops has been a sore point between Beijing and the Vatican, which do not maintain official diplomatic ties.有关主教任命一直是没有正式外交关系的北京和梵蒂冈之间的一个痛点。

2.In a statement Wednesday, the Vatican said the ordination of Reverend Joseph Guo Jincai was done despite objections from Pope Benedict.梵蒂冈在星期三发表的一份声明中说,郭金才神父被任命为主教,尽管教皇本笃反对这个任命。

3.All this might have been harmless enough had it not been for the role Padre Pio played in post-war Vatican, and Itapan, poptics.如果不是因为帕特尔·皮奥在战后梵蒂冈和意大利政治上所起的作用,这一切可能算不上有什么危害。

4.The Vatican has identified the woman as a Swiss and Itapan citizen, 25, with a history of mental problems. She was arrested by the popce.罗马教廷确认该女子拥有瑞士和意大利双重国籍,25岁,拥有精神病史,已被警方逮捕。

5.President Lugo decided to abandon the church for a poptical career two years ago, much to the displeasure of the Vatican.两年前鲁戈决定放弃天主教会的主教工作,开始从政。他的这一行动使梵蒂冈很不满意。

6.In October, an Itapan court ruled against an appeal by the Vatican, which had been seeking the release of the frozen funds.今年10月,意大利一家法庭裁决梵蒂冈银行的上诉败诉。梵蒂冈银行希望解冻上述被冻结资金。

7.The Vatican had reviewed its security procedures after a woman lunged at him at the previous year's event, causing him to stumble.在前些年一个女子突然冲向教皇导致教皇摔倒的事件发生后,梵蒂冈检讨了自己安保措施。

8.At the Vatican, the Pope greeted pilgrims in an overcoat and said he hoped spring would come soon.在梵谛冈,教皇身穿大衣迎接朝圣者,并表示他希望春天快点到来。

9.The Vatican is divided into departments that rarely communicate with one another, out of a centuries-old culture of secrecy and autonomy.教廷由不同的部门组成,几个世纪以来,保密、自主的文化传统使得部门之间鲜有交流。

10.The Vatican claimed this was to cut costs to better serve their dioceses, but Aringarosasuspected it was more of a security measure.梵蒂冈城声称这是为了缩减开支,以便更好地为教区服务,但阿林加洛沙则认为这可能是为了求安稳。