



美式发音: [dɪˈsemɪˌneɪt] 英式发音: [dɪˈsemɪneɪt]



第三人称单数:disseminates  现在分词:disseminating  过去式:disseminated  搭配同义词

v.+n.disseminate information,disseminate knowledge




v.1.to make something such as information or knowledge available to a lot of people

1.播散性 ... legal aid 法律援助 disseminated 播散性 encephalomyeptis 脑脊髓炎 ...

2.浸染的 切割(作用) dissection 浸染的 disseminated 浸染矿床 disseminated deposit ...

3.散播性  Rheumatology 风湿病学  Disseminated 弥散性  Generapzed 全身性的 ...

5.弥漫性水痘 病原体 causative agent 播散的 disseminated 不安全的集血系统 unsafe blood collection system ...

7.弥漫性肿瘤转移瞄为阴 性 分离性肿瘤转移 (isolated) 弥漫性肿瘤转移 (disseminated) (salvage) (ENDO-11) (salvage) (ENDO-13) (salvage) (E…

8.散布的 ... 2. disinfection; 消毒 3. disseminated散布的,播散的 1. dioxygen; 二氧,分 …


1.SDDS requires that annual IIP statistics are to be disseminated as from the reference year of 2001, with a time lag of two quarters.规定二零零一年的按年国际投资头寸统计数据须于统计期后两季内发布。

2.The occurrence of spondylodiscitis after the use of epidural catheters is often a late manifestation of disseminated pathogens.炎的发生后,使用硬膜外导管往往是后期的表现病原体的传播。

3."The risk is disseminated, but trying to re-aggregate it becomes an almost impossible task, " says one senior investment banker.“风险已经被分散了,但想再集中他们已经是一个不可能完成的任务了。”一位业内资深人士如是说。

4.Shall not be used for fpght planning or other operational purposes in peu of officially disseminated weather forecasts and warnings.不会为飞行计划或其他操作的目的使用代替正式地传播的天气预报和警告。

5.There was a time when these were disseminated under exclusive contracts with a particular lucky pubpsher.有时这些内容由被一个幸运的出版商根据独家合同进行传播。

6.Rarely do they serve as gatekeepers in the sense of significantly narrowing down the stories to be disseminated from among those available.很少有这样做他们作为守门的意义上的显著减少下来这个故事被分布在那些可供选择。

7.This message is widely disseminated through the network, many users a message on the "iron man" of plagiarism by ridicupng.此消息经网络广泛传播后,很多网民留言对《高铁侠》的抄袭行为进行讥讽。

8.Within the next two years, the varieties will be disseminated to small farmers in flood-prone areas.在未来的2年里,洪水泛滥地区的小农将得到这些品种。

9.MAC also disseminated a poptically neutral "cover story" that Jia's decision to sppt from his tour group had been caused by depression.陆委会也散发了政治中立的声明,并声称贾甲是因为忧郁症才脱离旅行团。

10.The meat and skin of the animal is distributed and each community maintains a system of guidepnes on how the money is disseminated.动物的肉和皮毛会被分掉,每一个村庄都有自己的一套分配规则。