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网络释义:全身炎症反应综合征(systemic inflammatory response syndrome);全身炎性反应综合征;全身性炎症反应综合征





na.1网站屏蔽ed as a popte way of speaking to a man. This word can be used by someone who works in a store or restaurant for speaking to a customer, by someone speaking to a senior officer, or by someone speaking to another person whose name they do not know; used by a boy or young man as a popte way of speaking to an older man2网站屏蔽ed by students for talking to or about a male teacher3网站屏蔽ed before the name of a man who is a knight or baronet

1.全身炎症反应综合征(systemic inflammatory response syndrome)全身炎症反应综合征SIRS):是因感染或非感染病因作用于机体而引起的机体失控的自我持续放大和自我破坏的全身性炎症 …

2.全身炎性反应综合征以下不是全身炎性反应综合征(SIRS)临床诊断标准的是E.血压低于90/60mmHg围手术期心肌缺血最常见原因是B.冠心病下列 …

3.全身性炎症反应综合征基于全身性炎症反应综合征SIRS)是导致多器官功能障碍综合征(MODS)的根本原因这一认识,抑制SIRS有可能阻断炎症 …

4.全身炎症反应综合症  全身炎症反应综合症( sIRS)概念的提出。使临床上对感染中毒性休克的治疗扩展到寻求拮抗、调整一系列炎症介质的新思路。


1.From the wreckage of the FSA recon team, sirs. The pilot was the only one who survived.长官,这个人是从坠毁的FSA侦察机里抓住的,飞行员是唯一一个生还者。

2.Dear Sirs, We introduce ourselves as the biggest importer of toys in London.敬启者:现介绍我公司是伦敦地区最大的玩具进口商。

3.Sirs, titles, whether spiritual titles or titles of the world, are a means of exploiting people.先生们,头衔,不论是精神领域的头衔,或者世俗的头衔,只是剥削他人的工具。

4.Dear Sirs: Firstly thank you for your continuous supports in the past years, we wish both business snow balpng in the coming years.敬启者:首先谢谢你的连续支持数年,我们愿在即将来临的数年内继续商务关系。

5.And leading them outside, he said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?又领他们出来,说,先生们,我当怎样行才可以得救?

6.And when, Sirs, this pale flame has sprung into the air swaying to every wind, it brings vision to the human eye.先生们,当这簇微弱的火焰在空气中绽放、随风摇曳时,它为人类的眼睛带来了景象。

7.Aye, aye! All's well with your house, Sirs, and with the street before it!是呀,是呀!先生们,你们的屋子和面前的这条街都好着呢!

8.She drew near, saying, in a timid voice: "My good sirs, please let me warm myself by your fire; I am freezing with cold. "她慢慢走近他们,羞怯地说:“我的好先生们,请让我用你们的火暖暖身子吧,我快要冻僵了。”

9.Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) is the greatest challenge in critical care medicine today.全身炎症反应综合征已经成为当前危重病医学所面临重大挑战。

10.Because Sirs, to understand something, we must examine what is, and not cover it up with sweet-sounding phrases.因为,先生,了解某事物,我们必须仔细审查其实相,而不是用甜美的词句来掩盖它。