




1.重生成(regenerate) RA,*REDRAWALL 重画 RE,*REGEN 重生成 REA,*REGENALL 全部重生成 ...

2.重生(Regeneration) refresh 刷新 更新 regen 重生成 重生 regenall 全重生成 全部重生 ...

3.重生成命令 heal 治疗 regen 再生 shield 盾 ...

5.张惠雅 ... *RAY 画射线 *REGEN 从当前视口重生成整个图形 *RENAME 修改对象名 ...

7.再生术 Full-pfe / 转生术 Regen / 再生术 Esuna / 祛邪术 ...


1.Bad idea, it blocks physical damage, provides no regen, and maybe a bit of base damage.坏的主意,这个格挡了物理伤害,但是不能提供回复,虽然可能有一些的基础攻击力的加成。

2.For casters, a horse was a must, as it allowed them to meditate (regen mana) while remaining mobile.若是法系,马是必须的,可以让你在移动的状态下冥思(恢复法力)。

3.For now, we are going back to Hawk being used for damage and regen.现在,我们更倾向于雄鹰用于回复和高伤害。

4.This is a decent support build, you provide regen for both you and your ally, as well as the team's chicken.这是套体面的辅助装,你给自己以及队友都提供了回复,也包括队伍的小鸡。

5.Spirit instead of MP5. You'll probably be happy with Spirit, though, because mana regen is going to matter more than it does currently.精神取代了5秒回蓝,你多半会很高兴得到精神,因为法力恢复将会比现在更重要。

6.Right-cpck the node where the HTTP server is running and choose Regen WebServer Plugin from the pop-up menu.在运行HTTp服务器的节点上单击鼠标右键,然后从弹出菜单选择RegenWebServerplugin。

7.This provides stats, base damage, and regen, and is excellent for melee heroes who need to last hit in the lane.这个提供了属性,基础攻击,以及回复,对于需要补刀的近战英雄非常适合。

8.So, right there you can see there are ways to increase orb drops, and that's outside of other leeching type skills, regen skills, etc.所以,现在可以看到比如说除了他们的吸血技能和重生技能等之外有多种方法增加血球的掉落。

9.pfe is the same. Examples would be drinking portions, but not natural regen, or the Shaman's mana spring totem.喝药水等都算,但是人物的自然回复的那部分以及撒满图腾提供的回复都无仇恨。

10.Less stats, better regen, and therefore a more well rounded build.更少的属性,更多的回复,因此更全面的装备。