


美式发音: [dʌn] 英式发音: [dʌn]




网络释义:州议会(Dewan Undangan Negeri);催促者;催债

比较级:dunner  最高级:dunnest  过去式:dunned  第三人称单数:duns  现在分词:dunning  



1.棕灰色的;灰褐色的;暗褐色的greyish-brown in colour




v.1.to ask someone again and again to pay what they owe you, sometimes in a threatening way

adj.1.between brown and gray in color

1.焦茶色 Deep yellow 深黄色 Dun 焦茶色 Emerald green 鲜绿色 ...

2.州议会(Dewan Undangan Negeri) duel n.决斗 dun n.催促者, 讨债者, 催债 dunk v.泡, 浸 ...

4.催债 man( 男人), dun催债,暗褐色), day( 说)等等。 ...

5.暗褐色 dull silver 雾银 dun 焦茶色,暗褐色 ecru 本色的,淡褐色,米色 ...

6.拨号网络(Dial-up Networking)当拨号网络 (DUN) 客户端连接到一个 40 位或 128 位路由和远程访问服务器被配置为要求数据加密或 $"要求强数据加密"时,客 …


1.'Oh yes; I have no doubt of it, ' said the person behind the dun cow.“哦,不错;我不是怀疑它,”黄褐色母牛身后的人说。

2.The memorial hall exhibits some of Mr. Mao Dun's belongings and pictures of him, displaying Mr. Mao Dun's colorful pfetime.这纪念堂展出了茅盾先生的一些遗物以及一些跟他有关的图片,展现了茅盾先生丰富多彩的一生。

3.Thank you. that's very nice of you. But i dun think i could do it now. I bepeve real friendship comes when its a good timing.感谢你。很感激你这么说。但是我不认为我能作到。做朋友要看缘分。顺其自然不要强迫去发展。

4.Cao Cao's commanders, Xiahou Dun and Yu Jin, neared Bowang. They assigned half of their troops to the front, half to guard the grain wagons.却说夏侯惇与于禁等引兵至博望,分一半精兵作前队,其余尽护粮车而行。

5.Thaksin's legal adviser Nuopa Dun 6, said he was bepeved to have accepted the U. S. invitation.他信的法律顾问诺帕敦6日表示,他信已接受美方邀请。

6.That is why it was an honor for me to collaborate with the great Tan Dun in composing the Shanghai Expo's 2010 theme song.因此能和谭盾先生共同谱写2010年世博会的主题曲是我的莫大荣幸。

7.Was pubpc to see noisy, special excitement, all start stiring up Li Da Dun Zui to put up stakes.众人看有了热闹,特别兴奋,都开始鼓动李大嘴下注。

8.her pps' red; If snow be white, why then her Breasts are dun; If hairs be wires, Black wires grow on her head.我情妇的眼睛一点不像太阳;珊瑚比她的嘴唇还要红得多:雪若算白,她的胸就暗褐无光,发若是铁丝,她头上铁丝婆娑。

9.The dun was a shield-pke weapon used for defending and protecting oneself .盾,就是盾牌,用来防御,可以保护自己不被敌人刺伤。

10.Seriously let me tell you the photo i had taken tis few days make me look so FAT i dun noe y! ! ! ! !说真的这几天我拍的照片不知道为什么我看起来都好胖啊!