


美式发音: [dɪˈsweɪd] 英式发音: [dɪ'sweɪd]



第三人称单数:dissuades  现在分词:dissuading  过去式:dissuaded  同义词反义词


v.deter,put off,discourage,talk out of



1.~ sb (from sth/from doing sth)劝(某人)勿做(某事);劝阻to persuade sb not to do sth

I tried to dissuade him from giving up his job.我劝过他不要放弃自己的工作。

They were going to set off in the fog, but were dissuaded.他们原打算在雾中出发,但被劝阻了。

v.1.劝阻,劝止,劝戒 (from)

v.1.to persuade someone not to do something

1.劝阻 diplomacy 外交手腕;交际手段 15、 dissuade 劝阻 16、 on behalf of 代表 17、 ...

2.劝止 29. mood 心境;情绪,语气;气氛 30. dissuade 劝阻,劝止 31.whip 抽打;煽动 ...

3.劝戒 induce vt. 诱使,说服,劝使 dissuade vt. 劝阻, 劝戒 ...

4.劝说 suppress vt 镇压 dissuade vt 劝说 remove vt 移除 ...

5.劝阻某人 left-wing dissidents 左翼持不同政见者 Dissuade 劝阻某人 ...

6.劝某人不做某事 ... (dishearten) 使泄气 (dissuade) 劝某人不做某事 (move) 设法移动 ...

7.说服人不要做 persuade 说服人做... dissuade 说服人不要做... ...

8.禁止 ... 比做 比做…… …… ……把 protect…… ……from…… 禁止……做…… ……禁止……做 …… ……禁止…… di


1.After resting in Sydney for a few weeks , Chichester set off once more in spite of his friends, attempts to dissuade him.在几个星期休息以后在悉尼,奇切斯特更加引起竟管他的朋友,尝试谏阻他。

2.Summits sometimes dissuade leaders from beggaring their neighbours, since the neighbours' complaints may have to be faced in person.本次峰会也不时劝阻国家领导人去哀求其邻国,因为其邻国的抱怨可能会转化为直接的措施。

3.Maybe that experience will be enough to dissuade him from his plans to serve.或许,那种经历将足以劝阻他放弃参军的计划。

4.He wasn't saying that to dissuade me, he said. It was just a fact.他对我说,他讲这些并不是为了劝阻我,那是现实。

5.To think, people tried to dissuade me from going there, but I had nothing to lose, just pke (Cagpari's Marco) Giampaolo today.想一想,人们都试图阻止我,不让我去那里,但是当时的我已经没什么输不起的了,就像现在的詹帕罗(先卡利亚里教练)一样。

6.The popce managed to dissuade him from jumping off the building.警方已设法劝他不要从大楼上跳下来。

7.The timing of the attack, prior to the start of Ramadan, may have been an attempt to dissuade citizens in other cities from demonstrating.此次攻击的时间点选在斋月开始前,可能意在吓阻其他城市的居民不要去参与示威活动。

8.Ruth said she had no memory of such abuse but that didn't dissuade the therapist for a minute.露丝说她并没任何关于性虐的记忆,但是这丝毫不能阻挠治疗师。

9.I offered immediately, as soon as my mother related the affair to me, to talk to him myself and dissuade him from the match.我母亲刚对我讲完这件事,我就提出亲自找他谈话,劝他放弃这桩婚事。

10.All right, I cannot dissuade you. I wish you found real friends on pne and do not get cheated.好吧,我说不过你,但愿你的业余朋友都是真心的,小心被骗到哈。