


美式发音: 英式发音: [ɪˌnjuːmə'reɪʃ(ə)n]





1.枚举 conglomeration 团块, 聚集, 混合物 enumeration 列举, 计算 degeneration 退化, 堕落, 恶化 ...

3.列举型别 conglomeration 团块, 聚集, 混合物 enumeration 列举, 计算 degeneration 退化, 堕落, 恶化 ...

6.计数 enumerating 计数的,枚举的 enumeration 枚举,计数 enumeration principle 枚举原理 ...

7.细目 choreographer n.舞蹈指导 enumeration n.计算,列举,细目 indication n.指示,象征,象征物 ...


1.Enumeration and the location of the file or directory to which permission is to be granted.枚举和要授予其权限的文件或目录的位置。

2.Returns the next element of this enumeration if this enumeration object has at least one more element to provide.如果枚举器对象中至少还有一个元素可提供时,返回枚举器的下一个元素。

3.While enumeration can be useful, it is often more convenient to express join points by means of structural properties.虽然枚举可能很有用,但是用结构化属性的方式表示连接点通常更方便。

4.When you are ready to test your provider, you can test it by trying to find the provider in a provider enumeration.当您要测试提供者时,可藉著在提供者列举型别中寻找提供者来测试它。

5.Consider dividing the enumeration into two or more enumerations, each having a more precise set of values.请考虑将该枚举划分为两个或多个枚举,使每个枚举都有一组更精确的值。

6.One of the CharacterCasing enumeration values that specifies whether the TextBox control modifies the case of characters.CharacterCasing枚举值中的一个值,它指定TextBox控件是否修改字符的大小写格式。

7.No capitation, or other direct, tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the census or enumeration herein before directed to be taken.除按本宪法前文对人口普查或统计结果规定的比例征税外,不得征收人头税或其他直接税。

8.Generates a switch statement and a set of case statements for the members of the enumeration specified by the EnumerationLiteral parameter.为EnumerationLiteral参数指定的枚举成员生成一个switch语句和一组case语句。

9.Type. Like other value types, enumeration types do not support Java reflection and cannot be seriapzed as Java types.与其他值类型一样,枚举类型不支持Java反射,并且不能被序列化为Java类型。

10.The code generator correctly created a Java enumeration, but doesn't make sure at least one of the values is chosen.代码生成器正确地创建了Java枚举,但是不确保至少选择其中一个值。