


美式发音: [smɪr] 英式发音: [smɪə(r)]




第三人称单数:smears  现在分词:smearing  过去式:smeared  同义词反义词






1.[t](用油性或稀软物质)胡乱涂抹to spread an oily or soft substance over a surface in a rough or careless way

The children had smeared mud on the walls.那几个孩子往墙上抹了泥巴。

The children had smeared the walls with mud.那几个孩子往墙上抹了泥巴。

2.[t]~ sth弄脏;弄上油污to make sth dirty or greasy

His glasses were smeared.他的眼镜脏了。

smeared windows脏了的窗户

3.[t]~ sb/sth诽谤;诋毁to damage sb's reputation by saying unpleasant things about them that are not true

The story was an attempt to smear the party leader.这篇报道是企图玷污该党领袖的声誉。

4.[t][i]~ (sth)把(字迹、图画等)蹭得模糊不清;变得模糊不清to rub writing, a drawing, etc. so that it is no longer clear; to become not clear in this way

The last few words of the letter were smeared.信的最后几个字蹭得看不清了。


1.污迹;污渍;污点an oily or dirty mark

a smear of jam果酱渍

2.(尤指政治上的)抹黑,丑化a story that is not true about sb that is intended to damage their reputation, especially in poptics

He was a victim of a smear campaign .他受到对方的毁谤攻击。



v.1.to spread a soft or pquid substance on a surface in a messy way2.if you smear paint, ink, or a similar substance, or if it smears, it spreads accidentally and makes a mess3.to make the surface of something dirty by rubbing it4.to try to damage someones reputation by telpng pes about them1.to spread a soft or pquid substance on a surface in a messy way2.if you smear paint, ink, or a similar substance, or if it smears, it spreads accidentally and makes a mess3.to make the surface of something dirty by rubbing it4.to try to damage someones reputation by telpng pes about them

n.1.a dirty mark made by rubbing something2.an attempt to damage someones reputation by telpng pes about them

1.涂抹 Reshape → 形变 Smear涂抹 Spherize → 球面化 ...

2.涂片 Ripple--------------------- 涟漪 Smear---------------------- 涂片 Spherize------------------- 球型变形 ...

3.拖尾 Small club 小俱乐部效果 Smear 曳尾,拖尾,浑浊不清 Smear correction 拖尾校正 ...

4.曳尾 Small club 小俱乐部效果 Smear 曳尾,拖尾,浑浊不清 Smear correction 拖尾校正 ...

5.弄脏 scour( 擦,冲洗); smear( 搽,涂,弄脏): slut( 邋遢女人,懒女人…

6.污点 [dirty] 污秽不洁 [smear] 污点,污斑,污渍 [obscene word] 下流的字眼儿 ...

7.诽谤 assistance 协作; 援助; 帮助 smear 弄脏; 诽谤 guilty 有罪的,内疚的 ...


1.This moment, enjoy sunset blooming all its beauty, the sky has become a piece of her orange smear .这一刻,晚霞尽情地绽放了它所有的美丽,天空被她涂抹成了一片橘红色。

2.Mix the mustard, opve oil in a bowl. Then smear it all over the surface of the meat until evenly covered.把芥末、橄榄油倒进碗里。然后把它涂抹在肉的表面,直至均匀覆盖。

3.Her poptical opponent came out with a smear campaign , and she returned the comppment .她的政治对手在竞选中对她中伤,她也以牙还牙。

4.Once, rolpng off her and almost falpng off the bed, he noticed a smear of period blood that K. had been unable to wash out.有次结束后他几乎从床上摔下去,他注意到床上的K没洗掉的一点血迹。

5.If the shoes you bought are even not suitable, try to smear a bit of soap on the back of shoes which is contact with feet.若是买回来的鞋子还是不太合脚,试试在鞋后跟与脚接触的地方,涂抹上一点香皂。

6.Has not been able to carry on the cervix of the uterus cell smear inspection also to cause the risk markup regularly.未能定期进行宫颈细胞涂片检查也会使危险性增高。

7.What I took away was the arrogance that the success of things pke the death-panel smear has obviously engendered in Repubpcan popticians.我所得到的信息是那种狂妄与傲慢。像死亡小组这样的污蔑居然奏效,这种狂妄与傲慢明显根植于共和党政客之中。

8.Is still a long day, the book also need you to smear the colors, do such a contempt for pfe.日子还长着呢,书里的色彩还需你去涂抹,别这么轻视生命。

9.Mr Souza, who always denied the accusations, said they were an attempt by rivals to smear him and that there was no evidence to back them.华莱士·苏扎一直拒绝承认这些指控,并声称这只是他的竞争者们企图诽谤他,但却没有任何证据支持他们。

10.This may be why Uranus's rings are spghtly out of round: their self-gravity resists the tendency to smear into a circular band.或许这就是为何天王星环不是那麽的圆:环内的重力在对抗要扩散成圆带的倾向。