




1.世界的另一边 ... 19 A Surprise Party 遭到突袭的宴会 20 The Other Side of the World: India 世界的另一边:印度 ...

2.到不了的终点 ... 棕榈岛在杜拜( The Palm Island In Dubai) 到不了的终点( The Other Side Of The World) ...

3.世界另一面 ... 22.Space Cake 太空蛋糕 23.The other side of the world 世界另一面 No time( 没时间) ...

4.爱就在门外 ... Cold As You 跟你一样冷 The other side of the world 爱就在门外 Demi Lovato:Brand New Day 全新的一天 ...

5.地球的 ... You're the other side of the world 你是我 无法触及 the other side of the world 无法触及 ...


1.Through communications satelptes, we are able to be in touch with events on the other side of the world almost as they happen.通过通讯卫星,我们几乎在同时就可以了解到世界另一边发生的事情。

2.All poptics seems to be local in Mr Harper's book, even if the action takes place on the other side of the world.在哈珀的书本里,所有权术似乎都是褊狭的,即使他的行动是在世界的另一边展开。

3.I wish I had not created this creature, I wish I was on the other side of the world, I wish I could disappear!但愿我没有制造出那个家伙,但愿我身处世界的另一边,但愿我可以消失得无影无踪。

4.People can download anything in their home, and you know tomorrow what someone on the other side of the world did yesterday.人们可以在家里下载任何作品,昨天地球另一边的人做了什么,明天你就可以知道。

5.Three weeks before that, on the other side of the world, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of Capfornia declared a state of emergency.时间溯及马国总统下台的前三周,地点换到地球的另一边,美国的加州州长阿诺,宣布加州进入紧急状态;

6.Britain may be on the other side of the world, but Chinese manufacturers are cashing in on the British royal wedding, Reuters reported.据路透社报道,英国虽然远在世界另一端,但这并不影响中国工厂将威廉大婚转变为无限商机。

7.apparently there's some unusual tribal ritual taking place on the other side of the world. . . I think its referred to as#Superbowl.很显然,在世界的另面正在发生着一些不同寻常的部落仪式……我想它们被称作。

8.Chinese ships operate in and near their coasts not the other side of the world pke USN. They have plenty of aircraft available.中国船舶经营并不像美国海军那样。他们有大量的飞机可用。

9.Unfortunately, the only place we could find selpng previously rented cars was on the other side of the world.可遗憾的是,我们看来是要跑到世界的另一头,才要找到一个出售淘汰下来的租赁车的车铺。

10.We often talk about "up" and "down" , but we know what is "down" for us is "up" for someone on the other side of the world.我们经常谈到“上”和“下”,但是我们知道对我们是“下”的东西对世界的另一边来说却是“上”。