




1.我爱她 Flying wings( 飞的翅膀) I love her( 我爱她) I love Rock&Roll( 我爱摇滚乐) ...

2.我喜欢她 ... I love her. 我喜欢她。 My best friend is a girl named Zhu Ying. 我的好朋友是一个女 …

3.我很喜欢她 ... 10 Put on this 戴上这个 01 I love her 我很喜欢她 02 Goodnight,lady 晚安,小 …

4.说我爱她 You'd love her too---------- 会忍不住 I love her------------------ 说我爱她 I once had a girl 我曾拥有一个女孩 ...

5.我深爱着她 You'd love her too 你也会爱上她 I love her 我深爱着她 She gives my everything and tenderly 她温柔地给了我一切 ...

6.我深爱著她 You'd love her too 你一定也会爱上她 I love her 我深爱著她 She gives me everything 她给了我所有一切 ...

7.我超喜欢她 ... 我喜欢她1. I love her 我超喜欢她1. I love her 她不喜欢我1. She does not pke me ...


1."I love Michelle Obama. And to address the most significant event of this weekend, I love her bangs, " said the president.“我爱米歇尔·奥巴马。而要说这个周末最重要的事情,那就是我爱她的刘海。”总统说道。

2.My God, How Much I Love Her!天啊,我多么地爱她!

3.I wanna let her how much I love her.我想让她知道我是多么爱她

4.Victor Laszlo: Apparently you think of me only as the leader of a cause. Well, I'm also a human being. Yes, I love her that much.维克多:显然你认为我只不过是地下党的领导人。我还是个人,是的,我很爱她。

5.Yet I know that day I could openly have told my mother how much I love her.然而那天我晓得,我可以无所顾忌地告诉我妈,我多么地爱她。

6.I guess it makes her feel safe and reminds her about how much I love her.我猜,这么做会让她有安全感,并且这能提醒她,妈妈有多爱她。

7.If we could start over I would treat her as well as I can and I will tell her how much I love her.如果我们能重新开始,我会尽我所能地对她好,我会告诉她我有多么爱她。

8.I love her. - How much?我对她的爱?

9.And how could I love her unless I had perfect confidence that she would only aspire to what was beautiful, true and right?如果我没有全然的信心相信她仅仅是渴求美、忠诚与公正,我怎会爱她?

10.no matter how much I love her.无论我多么爱她。