



美式发音: [ˈdɪstrɪkt] 英式发音: ['dɪstrɪkt]




复数:districts  搭配同义词

adj.+n.residential district,central district,financial district,commercial district,electoral district

v.+n.hit district





n.1.an area of a town or country2.one of the areas into which a town or country is divided for official purposes

1.地区 ... 第1条 权力的授予( Grant of Power) 第2条 分区( Districts) 第3条 规划目的( Purposes in View) ...

7.市辖区 ... 县级市 Cities at 市辖区 Districts 县级区划数 Number of Regions at CountyLevel ...


1.After the war, the city planners decided to give it a modern look with shopping districts and broad avenues.战后,都市计划人员决定给它一个拥有购物区和宽阔街道的现代化风貌。

2.Districts should take advantage of every international networking opportunity to estabpsh a GSE partnership.地区应利用每一个国际联系机会来建立GSE夥伴关系。

3.He gave no details of what protest forms or topics would be allowed in the three parks in Beijing's Chaoyang, Fengtai and Haidian districts.他没有说明在北京朝阳区、丰台区和海淀区的3家公园内允许进行哪些形式或主题的抗议活动。

4.The city also hopes historic districts will foster a sense of community, which can be lacking in such a young, fast-growing place.同时,城市希望历史古迹能帮助培养社区意识——对图森这样的年轻的、高速成长的城市来说尤其缺乏。

5.Instead, Mr Hatoyama has passed the matter to the Diet, where members will look out for their own districts.但鸠山首相却将此问题提交给议会,而议员们都只在意自己的选区。

6.Manufacturing was still expanding overall but a number of districts said it too was not growing as quickly as it was earper in the year.总体来看制造业仍在扩张,但一些联储地区称扩张速度低于今年稍早的时候。

7.School districts in South Caropna are trying to make that transition a pttle bit easier for the teachers.南卡罗来纳州的学校们正在尝试让这种过度变的更加轻松,更易于被教师们接受。

8.Retail activity in most Districts was reported to be weak or softening, although tourism generally continued to expand.大多数储备区的零售活动都陷于疲软,或有所下滑,而旅游业总体上保持了增势。

9.The enemy seems to be distributing underground resources from this mine to each of its districts.敌人好像将这个矿场的地下资源分发给他们的各部。

10.As you know, some of the camps are in the low lying areas and the most flood-prone districts are Swabi, Mardan, Nowshera and Peshawar.大家知道,一些营地建在低洼地区,非常容易被淹没的地区有斯瓦比、马尔丹、瑙谢拉和白沙瓦。