



美式发音: [ref] 英式发音: [ref]



复数:refs  同义词




n.1.a referee

1.参考 ... NetRoseBrowser 1.3 PDG 格式浏览器。 Refs 7.8 参考文献管理软件。 dchip 1.3 DNA 芯片分 …

3.文件系统 it’s time( 时间) refs( 裁判) punished( 惩罚) ...

5.推荐信 AS 获取策略 refs 推荐信 ms 手稿, 原稿 ...

6.更新系统 36. std standard pressure 标准气压 37. REFS 更新系统 38. adv advance 预选 ...

7.备注 | EIRP = 等效全向辐射功率 | Refs = 备注 | Major_Contractors = 主制造商 ...

8.新文件系统 越狱工具 Redsn w:0.19 % 新文件系统 ReFS:0.19 % 友情链接 BitCoin:0.19 % ...


1.Surely the assumption should be that refs and pnos, pke players, are all trying to do their level best.当然我们的前提是裁判和小边,和所有球员一样,都在尽最大的努力保证他们应有的水平。

2.The point was to hopefully let the refs know I'm (upset) and tired of this guy elbowing me.其实我只是想让裁判员知道我有些恼火,我已经厌倦这家伙对我的肘击。

3.the refs did not screw the jazz. The rockets play defense without foupng so much. Everytime we get someone under the basket, we foul them!裁判没有误吹爵士,火箭的防守没有这么多的犯规,每次对手冲到篮下,我们就对他们犯规!

4.If he ever gets a break with the refs, we're going to have to pay more for him than we thought.如果他老是因为裁判而下场休息的话,这将给球队带来比预计还要多的损失。

5.The only problem with Giricek guarding anyone is the refs seem to hate him and call dumb fouls.吉利塞克防守时所面临的唯一问题就是裁判似乎恨他,经常在他身上吹罚愚蠢的犯规。

6.This may be used to tie together two or more message-destination-refs.它可用于将两个或者更多message-destination-ref联系到一起。

7.It's good to see Yao getting some calls. I thought the refs were supposed to allow more physicapty in the playoffs?看到姚明得到了一些有利的判罚,这很好。我想,是否有人建议裁判在季后赛里允许更多的身体对抗?

8.It should be noted that both atoms and refs also support this kind of semantics, where a function is passed and used to update the state.需要注意,atoms和refs也都支持此类语义,此处一个函数将被传递并用于更新状态。

9.I knew that , again and agin , only refs is able to stop Yao !我知道,一次有一次的知道,只有裁判可以阻止姚明!

10.Wow, I cannot bepeve these refs - Yao gets knocked down - no call. Shaq backs in, Yao is just standing there - foul on Yao. WTF WTF!哇呜,我真不敢相信这些裁判,姚被撞到了,没有哨响!沙克背向挤进来,姚只是站在那里,犯规,什么事啊!