


美式发音: ['prɒksɪmət] 英式发音: ['prɒksɪmət]





1.(时间、顺序等)最接近的,最邻近的nearest in time, order, etc. to sth


adj.1.most pkely2.nearest in order, time, or place3.very close in space or time4.soon to appear or take place5.almost accurate1.most pkely2.nearest in order, time, or place3.very close in space or time4.soon to appear or take place5.almost accurate

1.最近的 proximate 近似的 proximate 近似的;最近的 proximate 最接近的 ...

2.最接近的 intimate 暗示 proximate 最接近的,直接的 approximate 大约的,估计的 ...

3.近似的 provoke v. 煽动;激怒;激起;诱发 proximate a. 贴近的;近似的;即将到来的 proximity n. 贴近,接近;近似 ...

4.贴近的 provoke v. 煽动;激怒;激起;诱发 proximate a. 贴近的;近似的;即将到来的 proximity n. 贴近,接近;近似 ...

5.即将到来的 provoke v. 煽动;激怒;激起;诱发 proximate a. 贴近的;近似的;即将到来的 proximity n. 贴近,接近;近似 ...

6.紧接的 ... approximately 近似地 proximate 紧接的 proximity 邻近 ...

7.近因的  演化生物学家称技术工人的那种回答为近因的proximate)或机械性的回答。我认为虽然老化有300种理论,但是它们全是机 …


1.So he bears ultimate and proximate responsibipty for the fact that Yahoo is, frankly, a bit of a mess.因此杨致远要对雅虎(坦率地说)有些混乱的事实承担最终且直接的责任。

2.In general, a sensor can be provided for detecting the presence of a gas (e. g. , hydrogen) in an area proximate to the sensor component.一般而言,提供传感器以检测靠近所述传感器部件的区域中气体(例如,氢气)的存在。

3.The Other's face is proximate to me because in its strangeness it immediately cuts across the distance separating our bodies.他者的脸接近于我,因其陌生性,他者立刻穿越了分离我们身体的距离。

4.A cover, including an air cowl, is removably mounted to the housing proximate the air inlet.外罩,包括空气通风帽,被可拆卸地安装在外壳的靠近空气入口处。

5.The insurance company will not entertain the claim if the risk covered is not the proximate cause of the loss.如果投保的险别不是造成损失的直接原因,保险公司不予赔偿。

6.A proximate algorithm adopting the heart-shaped loop reference boundary was put forward.提出了一种用心形线作为参考边界代替圆参考的近似算法。

7.A metal squeezing shaping method for a rotary cavity die relates to a proximate matter squeezing shaping method.旋转凹模的金属挤压成形方法,它涉及一种型材挤压成形方法。

8.Under a number of statutes, the felony must be a proximate cause of the death.在很多法律规定下,该重罪必须是导致死亡的近因。

9.In nearly every startup that fails, the proximate cause is running out of money.几乎每场失败的创业都是直接因为资金断档造成的。

10.The proximate causes of these busts have been varied, but follow a strikingly similar path.这些萧条的直接起因各有不同,但却有着惊人相似的发展历程。