


美式发音: [dɪˈvaɪzər] 英式发音: [dɪˈvaɪzə(r)]



复数:divisors  反义词




1.除数;除子a number by which another number is divided


n.1.the number by which another number is divided

1.除数 除却〖 nothingbut〗 除数divisor;divider〗 除夕〖 NewYear’sEve〗 ...

2.因子 dividend 被除数 divisor 因子,除数 quotient 商 ...

3.约数 约束〖 bind;commit〗 约数divisor〗 约同〖 invitesb.togo〗 ...

4.分压器 division indicator 刻度倍数指示器 divisor 分压器 divistyramine 地维烯胺 ...

5.除子 dividend 被除数,红利? divisor 因子,除数? quotient 商? ...

7.除数,即除法的分母 mopip》 调制i信号正 ... divisor 除数,即除法的分母。 manage on duty 经理值班 ...

8.分配器 divisor 除数 divisor 除数;分配器;分压器 divisor 除数因子分压器 ...


1.To divide by an algebraic fraction, multiply the dividend by the reciprocal of the divisor.分数除法的规则:除以分式,就是用除数的倒数乘被除数:

2.The DeferredDivision object will create a dividend and a divisor; however, it won't attempt to divide the two.DeferredDivision对象将创建一个被除数和一个除数,但它不会尝试将这两个数相除。

3.A and B can have many common divisor, among them a the biggest common divisor is called Greatest common divisor.a和b可以有多个公约数,其中最大的一个公约数称为最大公约数。

4.Of, relating to, or denoting an exact divisor or factor of a quantity, especially of an integer.能整除的关于或指示一个量的除数或因数的,尤指一个整数的除数或因数

5.A unit that performs division operation. The inputs to it are divisor and dividend, the outputs from it are quotient and remainder.一种完成除法运算的部件,它的输入是除数和被除数,输出是商和余数。

6.Adjusting the Index Divisor for a change in market value leaves the value of the S&P 500 Index unaffected by the corporate action.通过调整“指数除数”来反映股票市场的价格的变动,可以使标准普尔500指数的价格不受公司行为的影响。

7.As an initial strategy, implement is Prime using a brute-force algorithm that simply tests every possible divisor.第一步可以先使用蛮力算法测试所有除数因子来实现isPrime。

8.This operator returns the remainder after dividing the divisor into the dividend an integral number of times .执行求模算法。此运算符返回除数除被除数整数次后的余数。

9.You can also use this divisor to see how an individual stock influences the average .你还可以用这个除数来考察某只股票是如何影响这个平均数的。

10.This operation only allowed for ( integer ) and the divisor must not be ( zero ).此运算只可容许(整数),而且除数不可以是(零)。