


美式发音: [ˈskænd(ə)ləs] 英式发音: ['skænd(ə)ləs]




Adj.+n.scandalous behavior





1.可耻的;不可原谅的shocking and unacceptable

a scandalous waste of money金钱的浪费触目惊心

It is scandalous that he has not been punished.他没有受到惩罚,天理难容啊。

2.[obn]讲述丑闻的containing talk about the shocking or immoral things that people have done or are thought to have done

scandalous stories丑闻故事


adj.1.something that is scandalous shocks you and makes you feel very angry because it seems unfair or wrong2.something that is scandalous is shocking because it involves immoral or dishonest behavior

1.诽谤性的 noxious 有害的,有毒的 scandalous 丢脸的,诽谤性的 zealous 热心的,一心一意的 ...

2.可耻的 anomalous( 异常的) 转身逃跑 scandalous可耻的) 以 pusillanimous( 懦弱的) 群臣为何 ...

3.偷窥糗事 ... Touch of spice = 情寻色香味 Scandalous = 偷窥糗事 Letters to Father Jacob = 给雅各神父的信 ...

4.丢脸的 noxious 有害的,有毒的 scandalous 丢脸的,诽谤性的 zealous 热心的,一心一意的 ...

5.不体面的 2. option 选择权 3. scandalous 不体面的 4. census 调查,统计资料 ...

6.丑闻的 dichotomy 两分,分歧 scandalous 诽谤的,丑闻的 discard 丢弃 ...

7.带丑闻 ... 丑事 scandal 带丑闻 scandalous 家丑 skeleton in the closet;family scandal ...


1.The actual released ending is almost as scandalous by today "s standards, and is usually edited on television rebroadcasts today. "最终发行的电影结局用今天的标准来衡量可以说是离经叛道,在电视转播时都会被重新编辑删减。

2.At the time that she was hounded by scandalous rumours she found a worthy successor in Annie Besant (see photo) in 1889.在1889年,在她受到诽谤性谣言的攻击时,她发现了一个有价值的继承人,安妮·贝赞特。

3.The suggestion that the Earth could be so old was scandalous and got him in a bit of trouble.提出地球这么老简直是骇人听闻,让他惹了不少麻烦。

4.It's scandalous that in 13 years of power New Labour did not abopsh the charitable status of pubpc schools.新工党在位的13年里没有取消公立学校的慈善状况简直就是丑闻。

5.Her lawyer, Antoine Gillot, retorted that she had been placed under "scandalous" pressure to recant, without legal representation.蒂布的律师安东尼•吉尔特反驳称蒂布迫于诽谤的压力,不得已在无律师在场的情况下撤回之前的指控。

6.Editoriapst Zhang Tianpin complains that the contest is the kind of scandalous behavior that makes many Chinese hate wealthy people.评论人张天频(音)批评说,这是一种可耻的行径,使得众多中国人仇视富人。

7.However, given the circumstances, the captain feels that it would be scandalous to make someone sit next to someone so disgusting.但基于目前的状况考量,我们机长认为强迫一位乘客坐在另一位令人恶心的乘客旁是敝公司的奇耻大辱。

8.Nora had deserved that blow, he thought with remaining outrage at her scandalous behavior.劳拉活该受那一巴掌,她父亲想要维持他的粗暴的行为。

9.All this scandalous talk goes upon a mere supposition.所有这些诽谤只不过起于一种推测。

10.The truth which I intend to set forth here is not particularly scandalous , or is so only to the degree that any truth creates a scandal.我在这儿打算阐明的真相,并不特别地会引起非议,或者顶多只是引起任何真相都会引起的那些莫衷一是。