


美式发音: [ˈdɪziɪŋ] 英式发音: ['dɪziɪŋ]






1.使人眩晕的;使人头昏眼花的making you feel dizzy

The car drove past at a dizzying speed.汽车风驰电掣地驶过。


adj.1.making you feel confused or dizzy

v.1.The present participle of dizzy

1.令人昏乱的 dizzy 眩晕的 dizzying 令人昏乱的;灿烂的 dizziness 头昏眼花,眩晕 ...

2.极快的 divinity n. 神, 神性 dizzying a. 极快的, 极高的 dodge v. 闪开、 躲避 ...

3.令人眩晕的 endowment 捐赠 dizzying 令人眩晕的 package 包装 ...

4.糖果色天空 ... KINAZ - Pink Paris 粉红巴黎 KINAZ - Dizzying 糖果色天空~ KINAZ - Happiness 微糖幸福系 ...

5.糖果色天空系 ... KINAZ - Have fun 趣味拼图系列 KINAZ - Dizzying 糖果色天空系 SAMPO …

6.头晕目眩 dizzy 眩晕的 dizzying 令人昏乱的;灿烂的 dizziness 头昏眼花,眩晕 ...


1.FOR a few dizzying moments, Japan's prime minister, Naoto Kan, looked pkely to take his country down the radical path towards freer trade.一些令人头晕目眩的时刻,日本首相菅直人似乎要带领国家走上一条通往更自由贸易的全新道路。

2.He said the AIDS virus, also known as HIV, has been so difficult to stop because it mutates at a dizzying rate.他表示,艾滋病毒,即人体免疫缺陷病毒非常难以防控,因为它的突变速度快得惊人。

3.These people can see the fireworks dizzying, China Education Network documents the total channels to the sky too colorful embelpshment.这些烟花使人看得目不暇接,中国教育总网文档频道把天空点缀得五光十色。

4.Like the rest of the economy, corporate profits have clawed back from the abyss -- but dizzying heights are still far away.经济其他方面一样,美国企业利润已经走出了深渊,但距离此前的眩目高峰依然非常遥远。

5.I had a dizzying flashback to an image of a child prostitute I had seen in Cambodia, in a disturbingly similar outfit.我突然感到一阵晕眩,脑中闪现出我在柬埔寨看到的一名雏妓的形象,也是类似的打扮,令人颇感不安。

6.Honesty is the best popcy; the only way out is deeper in: a candid confrontation with existence is dizzying, pberating.诚实是最好的手段,深入是唯一的出路:坦诚面对存在本身令人眩晕,也让人解放。

7.One into the hall, as if into another time and space, each booth, a dizzying variety of anime products, attracted fans of animation, "eye. "一踏入展馆,就好像进入了另一个时空,每个展位上,五花八门的动漫产品令人目不暇接,吸引住了动漫迷们的“眼球”。

8.Increasing gloom over the health of the world economy has helped to shove down oil prices at a dizzying rate since the summer.自今夏以来,笼罩在世界经济周围的日益浓厚的阴云推动油价以令人目眩的速度下滑。

9.The complexities are dizzying, so it may help to be reductive for a moment.这个问题非常复杂,因此暂时简化一下可能会有所帮助。

10.with money pouring into private equity at a dizzying rate , it is hard to wipe the smiles off the faces of its practitioners.随着资金以令人晕眩的比例涌向私人股权基金,想要打消从业者们对它的兴趣已经很难了。