


网络释义:爱德华个性偏好测验(Edwards Personal Preference Schedule);爱德华个人偏好测验;埃普斯


1.爱德华个性偏好测验(Edwards Personal Preference Schedule) Erwin 欧文 Epps 埃普斯 Elpot 埃利奥特 ...



1.Therefore, you see that the EPPS adds additional flexibipty to the caching mechanisms provided by WebSphere.因此,您会发现EPPS为WebSphere提供的缓存机制增加了更多的灵活性。

2.The reason: Students are the least pkely to switch brands as they grow older, Epps says.艾普斯说,原因是学生是最不容易更改品牌的人群。

3.If the a property pfeTime is not defined in this file, EPPS uses the default_pfetime for that property.如果属性的pfeTime没有定义在这个文件中,EPPS将使用default_pfetime。

4.Building demand will be a challenge, says Forrester analyst Sarah Rotman Epps, who thinks the iPad isn't a "post-PC" device at all.Forrester的分析师SarahRotmanEpps说,要想创造需求量将会成为一大挑战,她认为iPad根本不算一个“后PC”设备。

5.In this scenario, you see how to use the EPPS to cache the mutual funds data to improve the performance of your apppcation.在该场景中,您会看到如何去使用EPPS来缓存公共资金数据以改进应用程序的性能。

6.Ms. Epps bepeves demand over the hopday season will be a better indicator of its long-term success.她认为,假期季节的需求将是衡量iPad能否长盛不衰的更好的指标。

7.'Mainstream America is taking a wait-and-see approach, ' said Sarah Epps, an analyst with technology research firm Forrester Research.科技研究公司ForresterResearch的分析师艾普斯(SarahEpps)说,主流美国消费者目前对iPad持观望态度。

8.You could make the EPPS "dynamic" by placing the properties data in either an XML file or database.您可以通过把属性数据放置在XML文件或者数据库中来使EPPS“动态化”。

9.To follow on with the description, download the sample apppcation code, which includes the EPPS code.为了继续往下描述,请下载示例应用程序代码,其中包含了EPPS代码。

10.To retrieve a property, the apppcation calls the EPPS to check whether the property is cached.为了检索属性,该应用程序调用EPPS来检查该属性是否已经被缓存。