




1.她爱我. ... Now I have to choose 现在我不得不做选择 she loves me,she loves me 她爱我,她不爱我 She loves me 她爱我 ...

3.我坠入深深的哀伤我却只能轻地 轻轻地告诉你   让我轻轻地告诉你 我坠入深深的哀伤she loves me)     柔情是我们的主张 我们说着千遍一律的 …

4.她爱我图片 树吠声图片 tree bark 她爱我图片 she loves me 关闭拉链图片 closed zipper ...

5.她还爱着我 She loves me,She loves me not 她还爱着我,她不再爱我 He loves me,He loves me not 他爱我,他不 …

6.她爱我的眼睛 ... 她爱我。 She loves my eyes. 她爱我的眼睛She loves me. 她爱我。 She loves my ass. ...



1.Time has no meaning, because my love is always on, and she loves me.时间已经没有了意义,因为我的爱是一如既往,就和她爱我一样。

2."Then, " he thought, "she loves me or she would not have written to me at all. "“这么说,”他想,“她是爱我的,否则她就压根不会给我写信。”

3.Sometimes my mom will send me a care package to let me know that she loves me and misses me.我妈妈总是给我寄来关爱包裹让我知道她是爱我想念我的。

4.She said she wanted to see me grow up and she loves me very much, Jack recalls.杰克回忆道:她说她想看着我长大,她非常地爱我。

5.You're humipating me! Of course I'm serious. That means if I love her and she loves me, I will marry her. I swear!你简直在羞辱我!我当然是严肃的,也就是说,如果我爱她,而且她也爱我,我会娶她。我发誓!

6.Her tag is " only if I am dead" obviously, my love to mom is over beyond her's --if she loves me.她的口头禅是“除非我死了”。很明显,我对母亲的爱远远超过了她对我的爱——如果她爱我的话。

7.I was a child played with dolls and dressed dresses. My mother is not very progressive, but she loves me and I am accepted the way I am.当我是个孩子的时候我玩娃娃,还会穿裙子。我的妈妈不是很开放,但是她爱我本来的样子并且接受我的行为。

8.A: Mom, you know I love her, and she loves me!妈,你知道的我爱她,而且她也非常爱我!

9.She told me she hates it when I try to snuggle her at 6am, but so what. . . she loves me enough to forgive me, right?她说,她很讨厌我在早晨六点的时候将她紧紧搂在怀里,但这又有什么大不了的呢。她爱我,所以她会原谅我,对不对?

10.Before I propose to Nadia, I have to know if she loves me for the right reasons.在向娜迪亚求婚之前我得知道她是不是真的爱我