


美式发音: [ˈdɑktərəl] 英式发音: [ˈdɒkt(ə)rəl]





1.博士的;博士学位的connected with a doctorate

a doctoral thesis博士学位论文

a doctoral dissertation博士学位论文


adj.1.related to studying for a doctorate

1.博士的 doctor n 博士,医生 doctoral a 博士的;权威的 doctrine n 教义,教条 ...

2.博士学位的 formulate 阐明 doctoral 博士学位的 anthropology 人类学 ...

3.博士班 硕士班 Master's 博士班 Doctoral 行门课程 Practicum ...

4.博士生 数字媒体学院/ School of Digital Media 博士生/ Doctoral 硕士生/ Master's ...

5.博士课程 硕士课程 Master’s 博士课程 Doctoral 理工类 Science & Engineering ...

6.有博士学位的 ... dock 靠码头 doctoral 有博士学位的 doctoral 博士的 ...

7.博士生人数 ... postgrad 研究生人数 doctoral 博士生人数 profess 专业学生人数 ...


1.Such a project would be far too technically challenging and hazardous, Winterberg insisted, even for most doctoral candidates.温特伯格坚持认为,即便对于很多博士研究生来说,这样一个工程的技术难度和危险性都显得太大了。

2.Because if I could not finish the test, I would not make my own time to prepare the doctoral examination.因为如果我不能做完测验的话,我就没有时间去准备博士入学考试。

3.His alma mater, London School of Economics, returned money he donated and is now investigating him for plagiarism over his doctoral thesis.他的母校伦敦政治经济学院(LondonSchoolofEconomics)退回了他的捐资,目前正对其博士论文抄袭一事展开调查。

4.to hear that you had, through dipgent consistency, passed through all the courses for doctoral degree and had graduated with honour.闻足下已将博士学位课程全部修完且毕业优等,曷胜欣慰。

5.The company has several doctoral and master high-tech talent as a strong technical backing.公司拥有数名博士和硕士等高科技人才作为强有力的技术后盾。

6.He worked as the director of a photo archive and spent so long on his doctoral dissertation that I called him Dr. Footnote.他担任一个照片档案库的主管工作。他花费了大量的时间在他的博士论文上,我因此打趣他称他为脚注先生。

7.Doctoral study was the last holdout - the only remaining area of higher education that still had an enduring male majority.博士学习则是最后的自留地--这是唯一仅存的男性占高等教育主导地位的领域。

8.It might be buried in an obscure technical journal, in conference spdes, or in a doctoral thesis tucked away in a university pbrary.它有可能隐藏在一本晦涩难懂的技术杂志、会议的幻灯片或舒服的躺在某个大学图书馆的某篇博士论文之中。

9.Graduate students denounced her for making it "sound as if obtaining a doctoral title by fraud is just a trivial offence" .研究生们谴责默克尔的说法“听上去似乎骗取博士头衔只不过是一次小小的违规”。

10.Post-doctoral research experience is usually required before employment in academic departments or research institutions.学术部门或研究机构通常需要博士后研究经验