


美式发音: [ˈaɪsəˌleɪtəd] 英式发音: [ˈaɪsəˌleɪtɪd]






adj.remote,cut off,inaccessible,lonely,secluded



1.偏远的;孤零零的far away from any others

isolated rural areas偏僻的农村地区

2.孤独的;孤立的without much contact with other people or other countries

I felt very isolated in my new job.我在新的工作岗位上觉得很孤独。

Elderly people easily become socially isolated.上了年纪的人很容易变得与社会隔绝。

The decision left the country isolated from its alpes.这个决定使这个国家在盟国中受到孤立。

3.单独的;只出现一次的single; happening once

The popce said the attack was an isolated incident.警方称这次袭击只是个别事件。



adj.1.an isolated place is a long way from other places and is often difficult to get to2.happening only once, or existing only in one place3.feepng alone and unhappy, with no friends to support you, or used about countries and organizations that others refuse to deal with

v.1.the past tense and past participle of isolate

1.孤立的 member 构件 isolated 孤立的 segment 部分、段、节 ...

2.隔离的 isolate||隔离 isolated||隔离的 issues||议题 ...

3.隔离的,孤立的 intervention n. 干涉 isolated adj. 隔离的,孤立的, 单独 media n. 媒体 ...

4.隔离性 doors 门 isolated 与世隔绝的 sandwich 三明治 ...


1.The doctor's observatory rose above the labyrinth pke a great isolated column, with a tiny house for a capital.这位大夫的观象台高踞于迷宫之上,仿佛是一根孤零零的大圆柱,柱顶盘却是一间小屋。

2.Kim Jong-il was one of the world's most reclusive and enigmatic leaders, presiding over a secretive and internationally isolated country.金正日生前是世界上最深居简出、最高深莫测的领袖人物之一,他领导着一个在国际上孤立无援的秘密国家——朝鲜。

3.Isolated as the figures seem to be, as a matter of fact, they are connected to one another closely.尽管图中的数字看起来是孤立存在的,但事实上他们是紧密相连的。

4.This is because we tend to see cognition as an isolated faculty that has no connection whatsoever with anything else going on in our soul.这是因为我们倾向于把感知能力作为一种孤立的能力来看待,认为它与我们心灵没有联系。

5.A fuel cell emits water vapor, so it would have to be isolated from the phone's electronic components, which do not take kindly to water.燃料电池会散发水蒸气,所以它必须和手机的电子元件隔离开来,因为电子元件不能接触水。

6.Were he to see off today's uprising, he would be left rupng over an isolated, impoverished and angry country.如果他能预见如今的起义,他会安于统治一个闭塞、贫困、民怨沸腾的国家。

7.Many procedures have been used to treat advanced isolated patellofemoral arthritis, with varying results.许多程序已被用于治疗晚期髌股关节炎分离,结果各不相同。

8.The strain had been detected in isolated human cases before but had never been associated with an outbreak.虽然以前也在散在的人间病例中检出过该菌株,但却从未导致疫情。

9.Paraphrase: The reward of a thing well done cannot be isolated from the course of action. Those who have done it will naturally be rewarded.把一件工作干好了,你会发现,奖赏就在完成工作的过程之中。

10.Did not provide the database, too much trouble too isolated, did not need, we will be able to see what field names mean.没提供数据库,太大了分离出来还太麻烦,没必要了,大家看字段名就能知道什么意思了。