


美式发音: [ˈroʊdˌweɪ] 英式发音: [ˈrəʊdˌweɪ]



复数:roadways  同义词




1.道路;车行道a road or the part of a road used by vehicles


n.1.the part of a road that you drive on

1.车行道 roadside vegetation 路旁草木 roadway 车行道 roadway excavation 路基开挖 ...

2.车道 Ring road/beltway 环形公路 Roadway 车道 Round-trip ticket 来回机票 ...

3.道路 roadside 路边 roadway 道路 roam 徘徊 ...

4.巷道 shaft n. 立井 roadway n. 巷道 chamber n. 硐室 ...

5.路面 roadway drainage 路面排水系统 roadway 行车路;路面;巷道 roam 徘徊;漫游;漫步 ...

6.桥面 桥门〖 portal〗 桥面roadway〗 桥牌〖 bridge〗 ...

7.路幅 ... 第3.2.23条 (城市)人均道路面积 road area ratio 第4.1.1条 路幅 roadway 第4.1.2条 车行道(行车道) xarriage way ...

8.铁路车道 ... 铁路公路两用桥 combined bridge 铁路车道 roadway 铁路干线 arterial railway;main pne of ...


1.But if he will drive right at it, his wagon wheels press the springs below the roadway, and the gate swings back to let him through.但是如果我们向前走去,门上的机轮,经了人体的推动,就会向左转动;

2.In October, Google announced it had developed a fleet of cars that use various sensors and maps to feel out the roadway.10月,谷歌宣布已研发出一系列拥有多种探测器及地图的可自动感应道路的汽车。

3.In ancient times, a king and a boulder placed on a roadway . Then he did himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock.古时候,有一位国王命人将一块大古头放在路中间。然后他藏了起来,暗中观察是否有人会将巨石移走。

4.Once on the skyway, there was no shoulder for three and a half miles, as the elevated roadway spanned two rivers.一旦上了高架路,大概有3.5英里长的路面是没有露肩的,因为这一段高架路要跨越两条河。

5.He said Yellow Roadway aimed to complete its first deal with a Chinese operator this year, possibly within weeks.他表示,耶路运输公司打算今年同一家中国运输公司达成首宗交易,可能在几周内完成。

6.the general objective is to clean up the planet while trying to reach a Designated finish unit in the roadway to warp to the next level.总的目标是要清理这个星球,而试图达到指定的巷道一经完成单位到新的水平。

7.Obviously in pain, Lincoln turns his head and sees the headpghts of a single car come to a stop on the roadway above.Lincoln明显疼得要命,他转动着头,通过辨识车头灯灯光,他意识到有一辆车停在了事故现场的路面上。

8.The roadway is about twelve feet wide, but it is narrowed every few yards by pttle stalls where goods of every conceivable kind are sold.市场的路面约有十二英尺宽,但每隔几码远就会因为设在路边的小货摊的挤占而变窄;那出售的货物各种各样,应有尽有。

9.The roadway is about twelve wide, but it is harrowed every few yards by pttle stalls where goods of every conceivable kind are sold.道路大约有十二米宽,但是货物繁多的小摊档把挤得只有几码那么窄。

10.No matter how the caltrop tire spike was tossed on a roadway or airport runway, it would land with a tire-puncturing prong facing upward.不管怎么扔,这款铁蒺藜轮胎刺都能用向上的一面扎破汽车或飞机的轮胎。