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n.1.a style or method of practicing a Japanese art, especially a martial art

1.龙 新堂淳士< Shindo Atsushi> 闵宽弘< Ryu> 山本让二< Joji Yamamoto> ...

3.隆 达尔西姆 Dhalsim: Ryu: 肯 Ken: ...

4.元胜载 ... 侍 shi RYU 刘 Sarah ...

6.柳时元 ... Norah Jones 诺拉琼斯 Ryu- 柳时元 F.I.R. 飞儿乐团 ...

7.邪道长 RD 潜脑搜查室 Ryu 邪道长 SA 优等生 ...

8.柳承佑 帕古拉扬 PAGULAYAN 柳承佑 RYU 达利-皮驰 PEACH ...


1.Ki Hyun Ryu was a character designer, and JM animation was one of the two Korean Animation Studios for the original series.KiHyunRyu是一名角色设计师,而JM动漫是曾参与过原片制作的两家韩国动漫公司之一。

2.The next day, Ryu and the twins meet who appears to be a total foreign stranger.第二天,龙和双胞胎看到了一个完全不认识的陌生人。

3."We are trying to find (a buyer) but it may not be easy, " Ryu Jae-han, president of KoFC, told a news conference on Wednesday.KoFC总裁RyuJae-han周三在新闻发布会上表示,“我们正试图寻找(买家),但可能不那麽容易。”

4.A 66-year-old South Korean student surnamed Ryu at Ningbo University is working as a volunteer cleaning in communities around the world.据《现代金报》报道,66岁的柳监永是浙江宁波大学的留学生,来自韩国。

5.On the basis of comparing and analyzing the two novels, the intention course and develop trajectory of Ryu no suke Akutagawa can be seen.在对两部小说进行比较分析与文本解读的基础上,可以管窥芥川追求艺术至上的心路历程及其发展轨迹。

6.Park Ryu Sook Gallery Shanghai is pleased to announce the opening of its first Chinese contemporary exhibition.朴丽淑画廊上海诚邀您参加我们首个中国当代艺术展的开幕式。

7.Akira, still doing her nails, says she'd be a pttle more happy if she could make the 3 idiot men pay for what they did (Tadashi, Kei, Ryu).明仍然弄着她的指甲说:如果她能让那3个白痴男人(宙,彗,龙)为自己做出的事而受到报应的话,他会高兴点的。

8.Ryu Si Won - an outstanding and talented artiste whose personapty and works have tugged the heartstrings of many.柳时元-一个杰出而天才的艺术家,他的个性和工作总能在许多地方深深的打动你!

9.Hayashi also revealed that Team Ninja intends to show series protagonist Ryu Hayabusa as "a Japanese dark hero" this time around.林还透露,忍者队有意显示为“日本的黑暗英雄”系列的主角,今次柳隼。

10.Wang Hao suffered a meltdown in the championship final against South Korean Ryu Seung-min in the men's singles four years ago.自从四年前在男单决赛中输给了韩国的柳承敏后,王皓一直承受着巨大压力。