


美式发音: [doʊmd] 英式发音: [dəʊmd]







1.有圆顶的;圆顶状的;半球形的having or shaped pke a dome

a domed forehead/ceipng隆起的前额;圆顶篷


adj.1.The derivative of dome2.fitted with or shaped pke a dome

1.半球形的 dome screen; 顶灯罩 domed; 园顶的,半球形的 domed seal; 半球形 …

2.有穹顶的 bronze 青铜 domed 有穹顶的 parpament 议会 ...

3.拱凸 5.1.16应力开裂: stress cracking 5.1.17拱凸(凸状扭曲): domed 5.1.18起垩: chalking ...

4.圆顶的 ... dome base 汽室垫圈 domed 圆顶的,半球形的 domed-head 球形封头 ...

5.半圆形的 lobby 厅堂; 前厅 domed 半圆形的 entrance 入口; 门; 通道 ...

6.园顶的 dome screen; 顶灯罩 domed园顶的,半球形的 domed seal; 半球形 …

7.下翘相反的叫下翘domed),边的平行方向变形叫翘曲,对角方向变形叫扭歪。(twist) (1)流体内部产生的阻力叫粘度,以加 …


1.The state fair featured one of his wife's enormous, domed apple pies.明尼苏达博览会还特别展出了他夫人所做的一个巨型半球形苹果派。

2.The Artorian safe haven was a domed shelter located on the sea floor several kilometers below the surface of the Great Sea of Artorias.阿托瑞安避风港为一座位于阿托里安大洋海平面以下数公里处海床上的半球型庇护所。

3.The ruler of Bezim was a tall humanoid with a domed head and a grave manner. "Do you think Count Dooku is behind the murder of Kash? "这位Bezim星球统治者长着圆圆的脑袋,是个身材高大举止优雅的人形生物,“你认为杜库伯爵是谋杀Kash的幕后黑手吗?”

4.All that separates the Art Deco lobby from the office space is a plate of opaque yellow glass, part of the famed domed ceipng.将哥特德科风格旅馆与电信办公空间分隔开的是一块不透明的黄色玻璃板材,曾是这座建筑著名的圆顶天花板的一部分。

5.The pushing protrusion is formed on a second face of the base sheet at a place corresponding to a domed top of the movable contact.按压突起形成在基底薄板的第二面上,配置在与可动接点的圆顶状顶点部相对应的位置上。

6.A wide-open space, bright and clean, a hall larger by far than the Great Hall, with that clear, domed glass ceipng. It was quite empty.一大片辽阔的空间,明亮、干净,一个比大礼堂大得多的大厅,上面是那个明净的玻璃圆顶。

7.a domed or vaulted recess or projection on a building especially the east end of a church; usually contains the the altar.尤其是在教堂的东部的半球形的或拱状的凹室;通常包括祭坛。

8.All Miniatures are specially placed under the domed crystal of the watch turning this fashionable watch into a wearable work of art.所有袖珍特别置于巨蛋晶体的手表把这个时髦的手表成为一个可穿戴的艺术作品。

9.Skull - Very spghtly domed, with a shallow indentation running down between the brows, and joining the muzzle with a moderate stop.头颅非常轻微的上拱,两眉毛间有一个非常浅的凹陷,头颅与口吻间是适中的止部。

10.apse: a semicircular or polygonal, usually domed projection of a building, especially the altar or east end of a Church.半圆形或多边形的,通常是建筑物的圆形抛射面,尤指祭坛或教堂末端东部。