


美式发音: [ˌaʊtpərˈfɔrm] 英式发音: [ˌaʊtpə(r)ˈfɔː(r)m]



第三人称单数:outperforms  现在分词:outperforming  过去式:outperformed  同义词反义词





1.~ sb/sth超过;胜过to achieve better results than sb/sth


v.1.to do something better than someone or something else

1.跑赢大盘 ) repabipty n. 稳定性 ) outperform v. 做得比……好,胜过 ) elementary a. 初步的,基 …

3.跑赢大市 Out of the Money 未到价 Outperform 表现超越大市 Outside Director 外部董事 ...

5.超越市场表现准指数的涨跌幅为标准,定义如下: 买入(Buy) 增持Outperform) 中性 (Neutral) 减持 (Underperform) 行业的投资评级…



1.'s status as the only Detroit auto maker to avoid a government bailout has helped the company outperform its rivals.福特汽车公司(FordMotorCo.)是底特律唯一一家避免了政府援助的汽车生产商,这种地位帮助它的盈利超过竞争对手。

2.The Red Sox and Yankees are marketing behemoths , so it is no surprise to see that they outperform their revenue target.红袜队与洋基队都是市场巨兽,所以她们超出了获利潜能目标一点也不令人感到惊讶。

3.Schools and hospitals simply do not generate the kind of fast tax revenue and GDP growth needed to outperform poptical rivals.而学校和医院并不能立即产生税收收入和GDP增长,而这些在与其政治对手抗衡是必须的。

4.As such, the emphasis tends to be on new approaches which transcend and outperform older methods of teaching and learning.同样地,他们强调的重点趋向于一些新方法,这些新方法超越了那些教与学的旧方法。

5.Technology stocks should be able to outperform banks stocks since the Goldman Sachs issues cannot be resolved in the near term.科技股应优于银行股,因为高盛的问题不能在短期内得到解决。

6.The company emerged from that recession more profitable than ever and went on to outperform many tech rivals.这一切使公司不仅从萧条中恢复过来,还取得了前所未有的高额利润,远远超过了其他竞争者。

7.The term is usually reserved for those cases in which the hybrids outperform the better of the two parents.这个名词通常是指杂种表现得比两个亲本好。

8.All this has helped art outperform equities in recent years, at least on some price-performance measures.特别是最近几年,这些促使了艺术品比股票更获得投资者的亲睐,至少性价比方面是如此。

9.Gold will never outperform stocks and bonds over the long run, because it does not grow or produce a cash flow.长远来看,黄金投资的受益不可能超过股票和债券,因为它并不产生现金流。

10.Studies show that shareholder payouts are the main reason that equities outperform other asset classes over the long run.研究显示,股东派息是股票长期收益好于其他资产品种的主要原因。