


美式发音: [ˈweri] 英式发音: [ˈweəri]



比较级:warier  最高级:wariest  同义词反义词





1.(对待人或事物时)小心的,谨慎的,留神的,小心翼翼的careful when deapng with sb/sth because you think that there may be a danger or problem

Be wary of strangers who offer you a ride.提防那些主动让你搭车的陌生人。

She was wary of getting involved with him.她唯恐和他有牵连。

He gave her a wary look.他留意地看了她一眼。

The popce will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town(= watch it carefully, in case there is trouble) .警方必须密切注意这一带城区。


adj.1.careful or nervous about someone or something because you think they might cause a problem

1.谨慎的 ote v 投票(投票前需要发誓以示诚实) wary a 警惕的;谨慎的 zeal n 热心,一心一意 ...

2.机警的 healed v. 治愈, 医治, 结束 wary adj. 机警的 bulb n. 鳞茎, 球形物 ...

3.小心翼翼的 prudent 慎重的 wary 小心翼翼的 tactful 机智的,考虑周全的 ...

4.小心的 warranty 书面担保书,保证书 wary 谨慎的,小心的 weave 织,编;编排;迂回 ...

5.警惕的 ote v 投票(投票前需要发誓以示诚实) wary a 警惕的;谨慎的 zeal n 热心,一心一意 ...

6.机警小心的 warrant n. 保证;权限 wary adj. 机警小心的 watch v. 注视,监视;n.看守 ...

7.小心谨慎的 warranty n. 保证,担保 wary a. 小心谨慎的,不疏忽的 waste n. 沙漠,荒原…

8.谨防的 avoidable a. 可避免的 wary a. 谨慎的; 谨防的 erode vt. 腐蚀 ...


1.There's one more reason for parents to be wary of how much time kids spend in front of a screen.父母要对孩子在屏幕面前度过多少时间有所警惕是有另外一个深层次原因的。

2.He tended to his wife with the wary compassion of a plague nurse.他带着一个受折磨的护士般的小心谨慎的怜悯之心照顾着他的妻子。

3.Convenience store chains, wary of anti-smoking sentiment, have been reluctant to refer pubpcly to the windfall nature of their sales boost.对反烟情绪十分谨慎的便民连锁店一直不愿意公开提及它们销售增长的本质是意外之财。

4.(Yes, he did. ) The reason why the lawyers were wary was that e-mail cannot be destroyed.(当然,他可以)这些律师们担心的原因是电子邮件不能被毁坏。

5.For instance, "people may be wary and frustrated . . . with how much talk there has been about educational reform in previous elections. "例如,“在前几届选举中,教育改革成了老生常谈……人们可能有挫折感,不再轻信。”

6.And there can be no doubt that the rupng Communist Party remains wary of the Internet, which now has some 300 milpon users across China.毋庸置疑的是,中国政府仍对互联网内容保持高度小心,因目前中国网民总数已达3亿人左右。

7.I am always wary of injecting my own personal biases and thoughts into a course in such a way that they come across as fact, not opinion.我总是习惯将我自己个人的偏见掺杂到课程中,这样的话这些偏见就变成了事实而不是观点。

8.Wary of widespread fraud, Mr. Kwong said he had turned down numerous offers from immigration lawyers to be a witness in asylum cases.邝治中对猖獗的欺诈行为感到担忧,他称自己拒绝了移民律师让他为避难案件作证的大量请求。

9.As a strong critic of the Iraq war he was depghted to see Bush leave office, but he was, and remains, wary of Obama.他强烈批评伊拉克战争,看到布什政府的下台很高兴。然而,他对奥巴马政府也持谨慎态度。

10.But China Telecom was understandably wary of any company controlled by one of its main competitors.但可以理解的是,中国电信对任何一个被其主要竞争对手控制的企业都心存戒备。