




1.太美丽 2.忘不了 Can't Get You Outta My Mind 3.太美丽 Too Beautiful 4.追 The Chase ...

2.太漂亮了 ... Can I have your phone? 我可以要你的电话吗? Too beautiful? 太漂亮了? So beautiful! ! 太漂亮了!…

3.多么美丽 ... too powerful,too beautiful, 多么有力,多么美丽 you're the consecrate flame. 你是神圣的火焰 ...

4.真的是太美了 这时候已经正午,非常热。 It's noon now,extremely hot! 真的是太美了Too beautiful! ...

5.太美好了 Too A to B 这个句型表示的意思就是 TOO BEAUTIFUL 太美好了 TOO WILD …

6.太美丽了 ... But I'm beautiful 但我很美丽 Too beautiful 太美丽了 The jump would destroy my face 跳进海里肯定会毁了我的脸 ...


1.Yeah, he's not my type. He's too beautiful for a man and is always checking himself out in the mirror.是啊,他不是我喜欢的那一种。就一个男孩子而言他长得太帅了,而且他老是在照镜子。

2.It's hard for me to write this to my own children, but I must. There's something here that's too strong, too beautiful, to die with me.我难于启齿给自己的孩子写这封信,但我必须写,因为有些东西太震撼太美好,不该随我而去。

3.It had to be faced one day on her own; it was too beautiful to stay away forever.早晚有一天她需要独自面对;那儿太美了,不可能永远将其置于身外。

4.Offscreen as on, the face looks a pttle too beautiful to be true, pke the kind of adolescent daydream served up in the comic strips.在银幕下的生活中,她的容貌太美了令人如幻似真,就象那种被漫画系列唤起的少年的遐思。

5.Leaves shaped pke a small duck in a small Maple Leaf is too beautiful, I would pke to see the Maple Leaf next time I must draw it down.枫叶的形状像小鸭子的小脚丫。枫叶太美了,我想下次我再看到枫叶一定要把它画下来。

6.It is said that he had used his wife's arm as the model, but felt her face was too beautiful for the statue.据说,他用了妻子的手臂为模本,但又觉得她的脸太漂亮,不适合做神像。

7.His girlfriend was two-timing him, he decided to take it well because he knew that she is too beautiful and smart to keep her around him.她的女朋友背着他与别人交往,他决定平心的接受此事,因为他知道她太漂亮而不可能永远的留在身旁。

8.'It looks too beautiful to touch, ' said Chloe (how I knew the feepng), 'I've never eaten grilled scallops pke this before.“太美了,简直不忍心吃它,”克洛艾说(我亦有同感),“我从来没吃过这么好的烤扇贝。”

9.Someone says, encounter too beautiful, will forget the fate; parting too beautiful, will remember for the rest of my pfe.有人说,相遇太美,就会忘记宿命;离别太美,就会铭记一生。

10."My hair is too beautiful to hide under a headscarf, " she said defiantly.“我的头发太美了,不应该被头巾遮住,”她大胆地反驳道。