


美式发音: ['doʊvər] 英式发音: ['dəʊvə]





un.1.city on the southern coast of Kent, southeastern England. It is England's busiest port and the one nearest to France.2.city and state capital of Delaware, in the central part of the state, south of Wilmington.3.city in southeastern New Hampshire, situated on the Cocheco River, northwest of Portsmouth. It is an industrial center.

1.多佛 Douala 杜阿拉 喀麦隆 非洲 146 Dover 多佛尔 英国 西北欧 147 Durban 德班 南非 非洲 15…

3.多佛港阿拉巴马-中国春季论坛美国时间2012年3月15日,首届阿拉巴马-中国春季论 …

6.多佛尔港 Douala 杜阿拉喀麦隆西非 Dover 多佛尔英国西北欧 Dubai 迪拜阿联酋波斯湾 ...


1.Later on I took him to Dover to see our heavy batteries glaring across the Channel at the coast of France-for us Germany.后来,我带他到多佛去视察我们的重型炮台,这些炮台雄视着英吉利海峡那边的法国海岸--对我们来说是德国海岸。

2.She did not really come to until she was on the ship crossing from Dover to Ostend.直到登上多佛到奥斯坦德的渡轮,她才缓过神来。

3.A message for you, Mr Lorry. You've got to wait at Dover for a young lady. '捎个信儿给您,劳里先生,您得在多佛等候一位年轻女士。

4.However, just as they come within sight of the famed White Cpffs of Dover, a dark shadow crashes down to stop them.不过,当他们都已经看到知名的多佛海峡白岩壁之时,一道黑影袭来,于是,他们再也无法前进祖国。

5.The next day Mr Lorry was sitting in his hotel in Dover when a young lady arrived.第二天,劳里先生在多佛的旅馆里坐着时,来了一位年轻的女士。

6.Once more, the Dover mail struggled on , with the jackboots of its passengers squashing along by its side .多佛邮车,连同跟在它旁边的乘客们的溅起泥水的长靴,又在挣扎前进。

7.Mr. Harris used to work in Dover, but then he changed his work, and he and his wife moved to another town.哈里斯先生以前在(美国)多佛尔工作,但后来他换了工作,于是他跟妻子把家搬到另一座城市去了。

8.Latham made another attempt a week later and got within half a mile of Dover, but he was unlucky again.莱瑟姆在一星期后又作了一次尝试,到达离多佛不到半英里的地方,可他还是不走运。

9.The next day (Good Friday) he escorted Phipp back to Dover and stayed there while the count made a night crossing.翌日(耶稣受难日),国王随菲利普伯爵返回多佛,并逗留了一天,而菲利普伯爵则连夜离开。

10.A few weeks later, Robert Fulton found himself riding his new motorcycle out of London. He rode to the port of Dover.几周以后,罗伯特.富尔顿驾驶他的这辆新摩托车离开了伦敦,他驾车来到了多佛港,他乘船通过英吉利海峡。