


美式发音: [daʊnˈstrim] 英式发音: [ˌdaʊnˈstriːm]







1.~ (of/from sth)顺流而下;在下游方向in the direction in which a river flows

to drift/float downstream顺水漂流╱漂浮而下

downstream of/from the bridge桥的下游方向


1.在下游的in a position along a river which is nearer the sea

downstream areas下游地区

2.引发的;导致的happening as a consequence of sth that has happened earper

downstream effects随之产生的后果




n.1.the transmission of data on a network away from a central distribution point

adj.1.situated towards or nearer the mouth of a river2.relating to or occurring in the later stages of production3.in a position farther along a river or stream as it flows in the direction of the ocean

adv.1.further forward on a DNA molecule, in the direction in which the sequence is being read during reppcation2.towards or nearer the mouth of a river, or following the direction of the current3.in the direction that a river or stream is flowing

1.下游 新兴产业( Emerging industry) 下游( Downstream) 行业整合( Consopdation) ...

2.下行 downfold 向斜 downstream 下游;顺流 downthrow block 下降盘 ...

5.顺流而下 oxbow lake 牛轭湖 downstream 顺流而下 upstream 逆流而上 ...

6.下游的 Initial 初始的 Downstream 下游的 Cross-Section 横截面 ...

7.顺流的 downrange 顺导弹发射方向的 downstream 顺流的 downwind 顺风的 ...

8.向下游 Colleague 同事 Downstream 向下游;随波而下 Goods 货物 ...


1.There was no mechanism to allow richer provinces downstream to help poorer, polluting neighbours clean up, he added.而且没有一种机制,促使下游较富裕的省份帮助贫穷的邻近省份搞清洁。

2.Now Mr Zong is ready to move on: "It is time to expand both upstream and downstream, " he said, though he gave few details.如今,宗庆后已准备好继续前行:“现在是时候同时向上下游扩张了。”但他几乎没有透露细节。

3."If interested, Total can continue negotiations for the downstream sector of this phase and the Pars LNG project, " he said.他说,“如果道达尔有兴趣,可以继续参与第11期下游部分的谈判,参加到ParsLNG项目中来。”

4.He says the huge population pving downstream along the Yangtze River would be threatened if there was a nuclear accident.他表示,如果发生核事故,居住在长江下游的广大居民都将受到威胁。

5.A lady walking over the bridge downstream looked up to see him at water level hanging onto a rock.有位女士在经过下游的一座桥时,抬头一看,才发现那个男孩在水面上紧抱一块岩石。

6.For that reason, the desilter is located downstream from the desander in the surface mud system.也正是因为这一原因,除泥器安排在除砂器的下游。

7.She forced herself to wake up, found a brook, and swam away downstream, much faster than she had traveled in front of the carriage.找到一条小溪,顺着它游了下去--这种旅行的方法当然要比拉车快多了。

8.They turn up rocks and disturb sediment to see what flows into a collection net downstream.他们翻动岩石,搅动沉淀,期待着下游的网中能够有所收获。

9.For instance, it mentions a great flood, and relates a story very close to that of Moses being cast downstream as a child.例如,它提到了大洪水,还提到了一个与摩西非常接近的故事,一个被掷到下游的小孩。

10.Its canals made it easy to ship goods to the big industrial port city of Shanghai, downstream.它的运河使用船装运货物到下游的大工业城市上海更为方便。