


美式发音: [moʊˈdɜrnəti] 英式发音: [mɒˈdɜː(r)nəti]



复数:modernities  反义词




1.现代性the condition of being new and modern


n.1.the period of history, especially European history, that began about 1800 and is still continuing2.ideas and practices that use modern methods, styles, etc.

1.现代性 modernism 现代式 modernity 现代性;新式 modernization 现代化 ...

4.现代情境  3.现代情境(modernity)与文化认同(属性)


6.现代主义  现代主义modernity)与个人主义(individuapsm)是典型的西方价值观,而传统主义(tradition)和集体主义(collectivism) …

7.现代时期  简单来说,现代时期modernity)的特点是:理性至上,这也马上引出其它主角:科学、客观、以及绝对性。「后」现代之所 …


1.While modernity makes greater progress, it also brings with it a lot of malaises.现代性取得了巨大成就的同时,也带了诸多的隐忧。

2.Second, he suggested that the good things of modernity is often the target motion to the cross.其次,他提出,现代性中的好东西常常向交错的目标运动。

3.modernity, in Crane's strange, gorgeous poetry, is all about getting high, about elevation, exultation.在克莱恩那晦涩离奇又华美动魄的诗里,“现代性”全是关于进入梦幻、升空和极度兴奋。

4.In the end, the Bolsheviks were to march their starving, despondent, war-weary people into modernity at the point of a gun.最后,布尔什维克主义者用枪口对准着那些饥饿的、沮丧的、厌战的人们,驱使他们进入现代化。

5.Though seldom using the concept of modernity, Heidegger is one of the great thinkers who has thought deep about the problem of modernity.虽然海德格尔很少使用“现代性”概念,但他却是对现代性问题做出深刻反思的思想家之一。

6.This yearning for modernity, the juvenile ardor with which people embraced the cause of science, was due to this absolute certainty.人们那时对现代化的渴盼,和愿意从事科学事业的幼稚热情,即归因于这种绝对化的定论。

7.Ultimately, whether or not a set of remains is deemed evidence of modernity can hinge on the preferred definition of the evaluator.结果,断定一组人类遗物是不是现代行为的产物,就看研究者偏爱哪一个定义了。

8.But the whole question of modernity is the legitimacy and rationapty of the implementation and universapzation.但现代性的整个问题却是合法性和理性的贯彻和普遍化。

9.The histories of building colonial modernity, therefore, have to be rewritten in the form of on-going historical dialogue.所以,殖民现代性营造的历史,其实是为不断的历史对话所重写的历史。

10.After years of "chatting, " I actually heard her voice: a weathered, pretty thing, seemingly encased in a bygone era, unmarred by modernity.在“聊”了几年后,我听见了她真实的声音:那真是如风一般、美妙的东西,没有被现代污染,好像能带我回到过去的时代一样。