


美式发音: [ə'proprɪrtlɪ] 英式发音: [ə'prəʊprɪətlɪ]








1.适当地 automatic a. 自动的; 无意识的 appropriately ad. 适当地 appropriate a. 适当的 ...

2.恰当地 ⑥ straightforward 笔直的,率直的,直接的 ⑦ appropriately 适当地,恰当地 ⑧ casual 偶然的,不经意的,便装的 ...

3.合适地 appreciation n. 重视;赏识 appropriately adv. 合适地 aptitude n. 才能 ...

4.恰如其分地 3. virtually 实际上地 5. appropriately 恰如其分地,恰当地 dull 枯燥的;郁闷的;钝的 ...

5.适当的 gain 获得,增加 6. appropriately 适当的 7. passive 被动的,消极的 8. ...

6.适当地,适合地 exaggerate 夸张 ★ D. appropriately 适当地适合地 rather than 句型 ...

7.相应地 ... (in car) 前进 (appropriately) 相应地 (consequently) 因此 ...


1.At this point, a real apppcation would modify the count column appropriately by issuing the necessary SQL UPDATE statements.这时,真正的应用程序将通过执行必要的SQLUPDATE语句来适当修改count列。

2.Rico did not know the name of the eighth object, but in seven out of ten tests, he appropriately retrieved a different novel item.黎各不知道名字的第八对象,但是在十分之七的测试,他得到了一个不同的小说适当项目。

3.The 85 bilpon bailout is not a small sum of money and is supposed to help Ireland out of the crisis if appropriately used.850亿欧元可不是一个小数目,使用得当估计可以帮爱尔兰勉强走出危机。

4.Just as you adapt your language to the audience and the occasion, so should you dress and groom appropriately.正如你要使你的语言适应听众和当时的场合,你也应合适地穿戴打扮。

5.And that goes into the system, the system basically comes up with an answer to your question, and responds appropriately.这些内容将被输进系统,之后系统会回答你的提问,并且做出恰当的反应。

6.But a strong family embodies a problem-solving culture in which parents and children act interdependently , appropriately, and positively.但强有力的家庭,体现了解决问题的文化,即父母和子女的行为相互依存,妥善,并给予积极评价。

7.At the beginning of a project, requirements are usually (and appropriately) in a state of flux.项目一开始,需求通常处于一种不断变化的状态(这也很合情理)。

8.Since you have already set the (simulated) register values appropriately, the ISR will process normally as if it was a real interrupt.由于已经正确设置了(模拟)寄存器的值,ISR会正常进行处理,就仿佛它是一个真正的中断。

9.All this adds up to an environment where people feel appreciated, recognized, challenged, and appropriately compensated.所有这一切汇总为一个人们感觉受到赞赏、得到承认、充满挑战并得到相应回报的环境。

10.Appropriately enough for a field where everything seems to have been tried at least once before, they turn to history.通过借鉴历史,他们认为在一些地方似乎已合理尝试了一次以上。