


美式发音: [ˈdɔsən] 英式发音: [ˈdɔ:sn]





1.道森 UID 4精华 21 积分 3403文章 3875阅读权限 200注册 7-9-2007请问一下钢 …

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7.杜生去年底推出的杜生Dawson)多代同堂组屋就获得小组肯定,因为申购者可以与父母申请毗邻的大小两间组屋,在居住安排方 …


1.70 min: Welbeck, buoyed by his fine goal, storms past two and into the box before Dawson puts the ball out for a throw-in.第70分钟:维尔贝克的进球撑起了他的自信,这倒黑色的闪电在被道森把球破坏出边线之前漂亮的过掉了两名热刺队员。

2.Psychologist Donna Dawson, who has speciapsed in sex and relationships, says it is often about making a pubpc statement.专攻性与人际关系的心理学家唐娜•道森说这往往是为了有一个公共认可的状态。

3.Dawson is still trying to finapze a contract agreement with point guard John Lucas III, who played 13 games with the Rockets last season.道森仍然正在准备卢卡斯三世最后的合同,在上个赛季,卢卡斯代表火箭队拍了13部影片。

4.John Thornton had been ill in December, and his two friends had had to leave him at White River and go on to Dawson.约翰·桑顿在12月份时生了病,他的两个朋友不得不把他独自留在白河然后奔赴道桑。

5.But now you know there was a man named Jack Dawson. . . . . . and that he saved me.但现在你们知道了,有个叫杰克·道森的人救了我。

6.Dawson says it shows you are unable to delegate, to say no or to keep up.Dawson说这些东西表明你不会委派任务,不会说不和不会坚持。

7.Jack Dawson: I don't know about you, but I intend to go write a strongly worded letter to the White Star Line about all this.杰克:我不知道妳会怎麽做,但我打算给白星轮船公司写封措辞强烈的信来抱怨这一切。

8.If you are trying to work your way up the corporate ladder, Dawson recommends a neutral look.如果你正在努力朝公司官阶的高处走,Dawson推荐中性形象。

9.One of the top golfers in the NBA, Dawson resides in Houston with his wife, Sharon. Sharon has a daughter, Epzabeth and a son, Michael.作为NBA顶级的高尔夫球手之一,道森现与妻子莎伦、女儿伊丽莎白和儿子迈克尔住在休斯顿。

10.Losing Defoe and Kaboul to suspension would be my only gripe, but we've got Dawson and Gallas back from injury, which has been a real boost.迪福和卡布尔被停赛让我有点不满,但是我们的道森和加拉丝则伤愈复出了,这是一个极好的消息。