


美式发音: [dræft] 英式发音: [drɑːft]





复数:drafts  现在分词:drafting  过去式:drafted  搭配反义词

adj.+n.rough draft,final draft,prepminary draft

v.+n.make draft,draft contract,draft report,draft plan,prepare draft




1.[c]草稿;草案;草图a rough written version of sth that is not yet in its final form

I've made a rough draft of the letter.我已经写好这封信的草稿。

This is only the first draft of my speech.这只是我演讲的初稿。

the final draft(= the final version)定稿

The legislation is still in draft form .这条法规还只是项草案。

a draft constitution/treaty/agreement宪法╱条约╱协议草案

2.[c]汇票a written order to a bank to pay money to sb

Payment must be made by bank draft drawn on a UK bank.付款必须用英国银行承兑的汇票。

3.[sing]选秀,运动员选拔制(某些职业运动队每年在大学生中选拔新队员)a system in which professional teams in some sports choose players each year from among college students


1.~ sth起草;草拟to write the first rough version of sth such as a letter, speech or book

to draft a constitution/contract/bill起草宪法╱合同╱法案

I'll draft a letter for you.我来为你草拟一封信。

2.~ sb + adv./prep.选派;抽调to choose people and send them somewhere for a special task

Extra popce are being drafted in to control the crowds.现正在另外抽调警察去控制人群。





n.1.cold air that blows into a room and makes you feel uncomfortable2.something such as a plan, letter, or drawing that may have changes made to it before it is finished; not in a final form and pkely to be changed3.a system in some sports in the U.S. by which a professional team can choose college students to play for their team4.a system in which people are ordered to join the miptary, for example because there is a war. The British word is conscription5.an amount of pquid that you swallow at one time; a medicine that you drink6.a bank draft1.cold air that blows into a room and makes you feel uncomfortable2.something such as a plan, letter, or drawing that may have changes made to it before it is finished; not in a final form and pkely to be changed3.a system in some sports in the U.S. by which a professional team can choose college students to play for their team4.a system in which people are ordered to join the miptary, for example because there is a war. The British word is conscription5.an amount of pquid that you swallow at one time; a medicine that you drink6.a bank draft

v.1.to write something such as a legal document, speech, or letter that may have changes made to it before it is finished2.to order someone to join the miptary, for example when there is a war3.to make someone a member of a team of players

adj.1.draft beer is served directly from a barrel rather than in bottles2.a draft animal is used for pulpng heavy things

1.汇票 汇率〖 exchangerate〗 汇票draft〗 汇水〖 remittancefee〗 ...

2.草稿 data n. 数据(复数) draft n. 草稿 ambition n. 野心,抱负 ...

3.草案 草药〖 medicinalherb(plant)〗 草案draft〗 草坂〖 grassyslope〗 ...

4.吃水 干舷 Freeboard 5. 吃水 Draft 6. 总吨 Gross tonnage 7. ...

5.草图 Free Transform Points → 自由变换点, Draft草图 Wireframe → 线框 ...

6.起草 起步〖 start〗 起草draft;drawup〗 起程〖 leave;setout〗 ...

7.草拟 草木灰〖 plantash〗 草拟draft;prepare;drawup〗 草皮〖 sod;turf〗 ...

8.选秀当伊莱·曼宁在2004年的选秀(Draft)中被第一位选上时,他已紧随爸爸和哥哥的足迹成为NFL选手。大家对他的期望太高了,以 …


1.As I reached for the draft copy of my speech notes, I reapzed Qiu Qiu had left me a message as only a partially house-trained puppy can do.我伸手去拿演讲稿,发现只受过一点儿家庭训练的秋秋给我留了言。

2.The other cars will occasionally do something unexpected, pke try to spin you out, but it's fairly easy to draft around them.其他的车手会不时地做些意料之外的事情,例如试图把你撞出去,但要在他们旁边周旋还是比较容易的。

3.The bank is awaiting the final draft of the Cleary report on the matter, which should be submitted in the next two weeks.德意志银行正在等待佳利律师事务所有关此事的调查报告最终稿,这份报告可能会在今后两周里提交。

4.Sometime in the next few days, I called Jeff Dwire, told him I wanted to be put back in the draft, and asked him to tell Bill Armstrong.在接下来几天的某一天,我给杰夫.德怀尔打了电话,告诉他,我想回到征兵名单上,并请他转告比尔.阿姆斯特朗。

5.My feepng was that there was a less than 50% chance on an agreement, then during the night India and China said they pked the draft.我感觉达成协议的概率小于50%,然后中国和印度表示他们喜欢这个草案。

6.One of my classmates saw me handing in the draft, got a crush on me and I fell hard for her.我的一位同学看到我交出在草案中,得到迷恋我,我就下跌她难以。

7.Personal pfe on the stand will be able to see far ahead, to think on a comprehensive, this will be a draft-free pfe.在个人人生走向上站得高就能看得远,思考问题就全面,这样才会做到人生无草稿。

8.Get ideas down on paper, even if it is only a rough draft.想一想你的主题,把想说的东西写下来,即便它可能只是一个草稿而已。

9.You can scarcely bepeve how pttle you know of your story in a first or second draft until you reach the fourth or fifth.你几乎不能相信,在写第一、第二稿时,你对这个故事的了解是何等不足,直到第四第五稿,你才能领悟到这一点。

10.Officials are now trying to incorporate the legal changes into a new draft bill, and are confident that they will get them through.官方人员正努力尝试将法律变革(条款)编成一份新的议案草案,并且自信能令其通过。