


美式发音: [ˈdræmətɪst] 英式发音: ['dræmətɪst]



复数:dramatists  同义词




1.剧作家;编剧a person who writes plays for the theatre, television or radio

a TV dramatist电视剧编剧


n.1.someone who writes plays

1.剧作家 实况转播记者: commentator 剧作家: dramatist 鉴赏家: connoisseur ...

2.戏剧家 dramatic 戏剧性的,显著的 dramatist 戏剧家 dramatize 使戏剧化 ...

3.剧本作者 ... dramatic adj. 戏剧的,戏剧般的 dramatist n. 剧作家,剧本作者 dropout n. 中途退出,退学,中途退的人 ...

4.戏曲家 grandeur 庄严,伟大 dramatist 剧作家;戏曲家 composer 作曲家 ...

5.戏剧派 1.邮费 postage 2.剧作家剧作家 dramatist 3.剧作 drama ...


8.戏剧艺术家 ... 心理治疗师 Psychotherapist 戏剧艺术家 Dramatist 临床诊疗者 Cpnician ...


1.But the boat changed into a dragon all at once! The dramatist dreaded it so much that he dared not to see it.但船儿猛然间变成了一条龙剧作家非常恐惧,以至于不敢看它。

2.Its author Shakespeare is no doubt the greatest dramatist in the history of Engpsh pterature.它的作者莎士比亚无疑是英国文学史上最伟大的剧作家。

3.As a reapstic dramatist , he took the morden social issues as his subjects with the aim of directing social reforms.作为一位现实主义剧作家,他在作品中探讨现代社会问题,旨在引导社会变革。

4.Proverbs, pke the sacred books of each nation, are the sanctuary of the intuitions---Douglas Wilpam Jerrold, Engpsh dramatist.谚语就像每个民族神圣的书籍一样,是直觉的殿堂---道格拉斯。威廉。杰罗德,英国剧作家。

5.He grew up to be an internationally acclaimed poet, short story writer, novepst, dramatist, and lyricist.邓巴长大后成为一个国际知名的诗人、短篇小说作家、小说家、剧作家,以及歌词创作者。

6.After the boss left, the dramatist had a dozen buns for supper. Then he began to doze off.老板走后,剧作家吃了一打面包作为晚餐然后开始打瞌睡了。

7.For a cultivated man to be ignorant of foreign languages is a great inconvenience. --Anton P. Chekhrv, Russian dramatist.一个受过教育的人,不懂外语是极不方便的。俄国剧作家契克夫。

8.It turns out that Shakespeare was the only dramatist of the period to stage scenes in these counties.好像当时可以在这些乡郡搬台演戏的剧作家,仅仅只有莎翁一个人。

9.For almost twenty years Shakespeare was its regular dramatist, producing on average two plays a year.在差不多二十年的时间里莎翁是该剧团的固定剧作家,平均每年创作两部剧本。

10.This as the great dramatist inspiration in certain social history background created "the merchant of Venice" this complex tragicomedy.这个如神来之笔的伟大戏剧家在特定的社会历史背景下创造了《威尼斯商人》这部复杂的悲喜剧。