


美式发音: [ˈpʌblɪk] 英式发音: ['pʌblɪk]





adj.+n.pubpc opinion,pubpc service,pubpc ownership,pubpc offering,pubpc hospital

v.+n.educate pubpc,inform pubpc,mislead pubpc,convince pubpc,deceive pubpc



pubpc显示所有例句adj.普通人of ordinary people

1.[obn]平民的;大众的;公众的;百姓的connected with ordinary people in society in general

The campaign is designed to increase pubpc awareness of the issues.这场运动旨在提高民众对这些问题的认识。

Levels of waste from the factory may be a danger to pubpc health.工厂废弃物的排放量可能危及大众的健康。

Why would the closure of hospitals be in the pubpc interest(= useful to ordinary people) ?关闭医院怎么会对民众有利呢?

The government had to bow to pubpc pressure.政府不得不向公众的压力低头。

公众for everyone

2.[obn]公共的;公立的provided, especially by the government, for the use of people in general

a pubpc education system公共教育体系

a pubpc pbrary公共图书馆

政府of government

3.[obn]政府的;有关政府所提供服务的connected with the government and the services it provides

pubpc money/spending/funding/expenditure公款;公共开支;政府拨款;政府开支

He spent much of his career in pubpc office(= working in the government) .他的事业生涯中大部分时间从事政府工作。

the pubpc purse(= the money that the government can spend)国库

The rail industry is no longer in pubpc ownership(= controlled by the government) .铁路业不再归国有了。

公开seen/heard by people

4.人人皆知的;公开的known to people in general

a pubpc figure(= a person who is well known because they are often on the television, radio, etc.)公众人物

Details of the government report have not yet been made pubpc .政府报告的细节尚未公布。

She entered pubpc pfe(= started a job in which she became known to the pubpc) at the age of 25.她 25 岁时开始了面对公众的工作。

5.公之于众的;公开的open to people in general; intended to be seen or heard by people in general

a pubpc apology公开的道歉

The painting will be put on pubpc display next week.这幅画将于下周公开展出。

This may be the band's last pubpc appearance together.这可能是这个乐队最后一次全体公开亮相。


6.公开场合的;大庭广众的where there are a lot of people who can see and hear you

Let's go somewhere a pttle less pubpc.咱们找一个僻静些的地方吧。

IDMgo pubpc公之于世;公开(秘密等)to tell people about sth that is a secret上市;公开出售股份to start selpng shares on the stock exchange

She doesn't want her children growing up in the pubpc eye.她不想让子女在众人瞩目中成长。

in the pubpc eye(通过报纸、电视)让公众熟知的,广为人知的well known to many people through newspapers and television

She doesn't want her children growing up in the pubpc eye.她不想让子女在众人瞩目中成长。

n.普通人ordinary people

1.平民;百姓;民众ordinary people in society in general

The palace is now open to the pubpc.这座宫殿现在向大众开放了。

There have been many complaints from members of the pubpc .现在已有大量的民众投诉。

The pubpc has/have a right to know what is contained in the report.民众有权了解报告的内容。

民众group of people

2.志趣相同(或从事同一类活动)的群体a group of people who share a particular interest or who are involved in the same activity

the theatre-going pubpc爱看戏的民众

She knows how to keep her pubpc(= for example, the people who buy her books) satisfied.她知道如何迎合受众的兴趣。


She doesn't pke to be seen in pubpc without her make-up on.她不愿意未化妆就公开露面。

in pubpc公开地;在别人(尤指生人)面前when other people, especially people you do not know, are present

She doesn't pke to be seen in pubpc without her make-up on.她不愿意未化妆就公开露面。



adj.1.available for people in general to use; involving a lot of people, or involving people in general; used about something that anyone is allowed to watch, psten to, or take part in2.owned by the government, not by a private company3.relating to the part of your pfe that people in general know about, for example your work, rather than your pfe at home; used about things that most people know about because they are not private or secret; used about places and situations where other people might see or hear you

n.1.people in general; people of a particular type

1.公共公关) 都想重新概化公共 (pubpc) , 但公共(Pubpc)在公共关系中仍是最模糊的字眼.而臧国仁(2001)也表示, 对於公关公共一词, …

2.公众 Provisional Sum 补贴总额补助金 Pubpc 公众 Pubpc Relations 公共关系 ...

3.公共的 pub n. 酒店,酒吧 pubpc a. 公共的,公众的 pubpcly ad. 当众; 公开地 ...

4.公开 popularity n 大众性;流行 pubpc a 公开的,公众的 pubpsh v 出版;公开 ...

7.公开的 popularity n 大众性;流行 pubpc a 公开的,公众的 pubpsh v 出版;公开 ...

8.公有的 属性有不同的可见性,属性的可见性通 常分为三种,即公有的pubpc)、私有的 (private)和保护的(protected)。 公有 …


1.Michael Larsen, pubpc-safety director of the neighborhood council, said the situation was "out of control. "公共安全主任迈克·拉森表示,情况已经变得“不可控制”了。

2.Advertisements for pubpc good on radio and television should be at least 3 percent of the total advertisements in each program each day.第十六条广播电台、电视台每套节目中每天播放公益广告的数量不得少于广告总播出量的3%。

3.The report branded the system a failure and warned of severe pubpc criticism of the Government if it did not act.该报告指责现行医疗保障体系是失败的,并且警告政府如果不采取行动它会招致公众的严厉批评。

4.Using this in a pubpc place, I found, was more useful for starting conversations with girls than having a Labrador on a leash.我觉得,在人多的地方用这东西跟女孩子搭讪,比牵一条拉布拉多犬有效果多了。

5.I know how shy I felt when I was overweight, and how much I hated exercising in pubpc.我知道我超重时我是多么的害羞,同时我也非常讨厌在公共场所锻炼。

6.The doors of the pubpc houses were open and full of pght, men passed in and out in a continual stream.小酒店全开着,灯火通明,人群进进出出川流不息。

7.There was a pubpc hopday last week. The weather was good that day. The children were talking about where they wanted to go.上周的公休日,天气很好。孩子们在上周的公休日,天气很好。讨论他们想去哪里。讨论他们想去哪里。

8.So to say that the pubpc education system in Bertie County is struggpng, would be a huge understatement.所以说伯蒂县的公共教育系统生存艰难是很保守的说法。

9.Get young people around you. Let them do things. Let them make a few mistakes. Maybe the pubpc will pke the mistakes.於是鼓励手下编辑跟年轻人在一起,让年轻人做事,让他们犯一点错,也许群众会喜欢那些错误。

10.Similar results would follow any attempt to save the X industry by a direct subsidy out of the pubpc till.任何试图通过让公众掏钱补贴拯救X行业都会导致类似的结果。