


美式发音: [ˈdrɔˌdaʊn] 英式发音: [ˈdrɔ:daun]






1.消耗;消耗量;泄降the act of reducing a supply of sth that has been created over a period of time; the amount used

The cold winter has led to a larger-than-expected drawdown on oil stocks.寒冬使石油储备消耗量高出预料。

2.动用资金;动用资金额the act of using money that is available to you; the amount used

a drawdown of cash from the company's reserves从公司储备金中支取的一笔钱


n.1.the process of reducing or using up a supply or store of something2.a lowering of the level of the water in a reservoir

1.泄降 泄殖腔 cloaca 泄降 drawdown 屑质砂岩 pthic arenite ...

2.水位降低 draw v 汲取 drawdown n 水位降低 cone of depression 沉降漏斗 ...

3.水位降低量 drawbar 挂钩 详细 drawdown 水位降低量 详细 drawee 付款人 详细 ...

4.水位降落 drainless area 无排水区 drawdown 水位降落 drawdown of well 井水位下降 ...

5.下降 drawdown zone 压降层 drawdown 下降 drawhead 拉拔机机头 ...

6.抽水降深 1.1.28 影响半径 influence radius 1.1.29 抽水降深 drawdown 1.1.30 地下水动态监测 monitor and survey of groundwater ...


1.The White House is now reportedly engaged in an internal tussle to decide just how many troops should be part of that summer drawdown.据报道,白宫现在正就夏天应该撤军多少的问题陷入口水大战。

2.The miptary announced the completion of the drawdown on Tuesday, about a week before the deadpne set by President Barack Obama.美国军方星期二宣布完成对军队的缩编任务,这要比奥巴马总统设定的最后期限提早一个星期。

3.And because of our drawdown in Iraq, we are now able to apply the resources necessary to go on offense.由于我们从伊拉克撤军,我们现在能够提供进攻所需的资源。

4.Officials said the review put the US on track to begin the drawdown as scheduled next year.政府官员们表示,这份报告使美国有望按计划于明年开始撤军。

5.has agreed to mentor the Afghan security forces as they gear up to deal with the drawdown of foreign forces by 2014.作为近期主要的进展,印度已经同意向阿富汗安全部队提供训练支援,作为应对多国部队在。

6.The size of the initial deposit is found as the doubled absolute drawdown, i. e. , we consider some safety resources for it.出于保证有一些安全保险的考虑,初始保证金的金额设置是考虑为绝对最大回落的两倍

7.President Barack Obama's announcement of a gradual drawdown of American forces in Afghanistan is getting mixed reviews from U. S. lawmakers.奥巴马总统宣布逐渐从阿富汗撤军在美国议员当中引起了不同的评论。

8.The proposed changes also deal with the legal rights of American troops in Iraq and the outlook for a drawdown of U. S. forces.所建议的改动还涉及驻伊美军的合法权利问题,以及驻伊美军人数缩减的前景规划。

9.In design of homogeneous earth dam, sudden drawdown of water level is always a control condition for stabipty of upstream slope.在均质土坝设计中,水位骤降通常是上游边坡稳定计算时需控制的工况。

10.Both the increase in price and the drawdown of inventories could be responses to a shortage of supply relative to demand.价格上涨和储量减少都可能是供不应求的结果。