




1.穿衣衣 ... I pve,to be model thin 我为了像超模一样的瘦身材而生 Dress me,Im your mannequin 打扮我吧,我就是你的服装模特 ...

3.给我穿衣服 Atia's man.|阿提娅的人 Dress me|给我穿衣服 They will.|是的 ...

4.穿上衣服 ... Dress me,I'm your mannequin 穿上衣服,我就是时装模特儿 Fashion put it all on me 我穿时尚 ...


1.He got so angry with me finally that, despite my protestations , he began to dress me.最后他被我惹火了,不顾我的抗议便开始给我穿衣服。

2.The next day, they dress me in Chinese uniform, give me a rifle and take a dozen more pictures.第二天,他们让我穿上中国军服,给了我一支步枪,又给我照了十几个镜头。

3.I shall die after I have made my confession. When it's over, you are to dress me in these things. It is the whim of a dying woman.我做了忏悔以后就要死了,那时候你就用这些东西替我穿戴上:这是一个垂死女人的化妆打扮。

4.Dress me with a crimson mantle, grasp my hand and take me.给我穿上红艳的披风,抓紧我的手,把我带走吧。

5.You must untie me, wash my head and face, dress me in new clothes, and cover me with flowers.你们必须解开我,为我净头、净脸,给我更新衣,并在我身上洒满鲜花。

6网站屏蔽ed to dress me in girls' blouses? |. . .过去让我穿女孩的衣服?。

7.I got time to throw off my disguise and dress me in my own clothes.我有时间脱下我的假装,穿上我自己的衣服。

8.'Of course not! My servant always used to dress me. '当然不能,总是用人给我穿的。

9.Please dress me a fruit salad.请给我做一份水果色拉。

10.Why did you also dress me pke this?干吗把我也打扮成这个样子啊?