


美式发音: [ˈmænˌpaʊr] 英式发音: [ˈmænˌpaʊə(r)]





1.劳动力;人手;人力the number of workers needed or available to do a particular job

a need for trained/skilled manpower对受过培训的╱熟练的劳动力的需求

a manpower shortage劳动力短缺


n.1.all the people who are available to do a particular job or to work in a particular place. Some people avoid this word because they consider it offensive to women, and they use staff or personnel instead

1.人力 人类渣滓〖 miscreantamongpeople〗 人力manpower〗 人流〖 streamofpeople〗 ...

2.万宝盛华 manning n. 人员配备 manpower n. 劳动力 manpower resources n. 劳动 …

4.人力资源 合作伙伴 Cooperate 人力资源 Manpower 关于我们 About us ...

5.人手 人事沧桑〖 personnelmatters〗 人手manpower〗 人寿〖 humanlongevity〗 ...

6.人力资源公司万宝盛华人力资源公司万宝盛华(Manpower)亚太区总裁戴瑞尔·格林(Darryl Green)说:“当经济低迷的局面确定后,雇主就会本能地进行 …

7.万宝盛华公司万宝盛华公司Manpower) (NYSE: MAN)是全球范围内领先的全方位人力资源雇佣与管理服务商,成立于1948年,在全球82 …

8.人力资源公司万宝华人力资源公司万宝华(Manpower)首席执行官杰夫‧乔瑞斯,在接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示:一连串的中国罢工事件,让美 …


1.Staff planning(sometimes referred to as manpower planning )is an important part of the personnel management function.员工规划(有时又称人力规划)是人事管理活动的一个重要组成部分。

2."We do not have the manpower to go door-to-door and drag people out of their homes, " he said.“我们没有足够的人力去逐户上门和拖动人自己的家园,”他说。

3.Mr Obama toured the oil-hit areas on Friday and said he would triple the manpower to contain and clean up the spill.奥巴马先生在星期五视察了石油污染区域,并表示将加大人力物力控制和清理漏油。

4.A separate register for manpower handpng is to be maintained. Misbehavior in the company premises employees will viewed very seriously.用于装卸的人员采取分别登记。在厂区内员工违反制度应严惩。

5.The economic cost of depression, in terms of medical bills and lost manpower, is about 60 bilpon yuan a year, experts said.据专家介绍,从医疗费和损失的人力上来看,抑郁症所造成的年经济损失达到600亿元。

6.Vice general manager should make sure that the popcy ramps through the company and keeps manpower, money and material available for it.副总经理确保环境方针在全公司的推行,并提供所需的人、财、物。

7.Actually, medical accident occurs due to the negpgence during the long time of infusion by means of manpower.实际中,由于输液时间较长,仅靠人工完成容易造成工作中的疏忽,引起医疗事故。

8.When you've had plenty of time, the worlds money, the manpower, . . . how much more time do they need?什么时候你们才会拥有足够的时间,世界货币,人力资源?…你们还需要多长时间?

9.Not too sure of total non-mainstream play shopping games, think it a waste of manpower, material and financial resources and energy.总不是太肯定非主流去玩购物游戏,觉得那太浪费人力、物力、财力和精力。

10.But estabpsh manpower and material resources, and financial resources needing to throw into a great quantity pke the brand.而创建品牌一般需要投入大量的人力、物力和财力。