


美式发音: [hɔɪst] 英式发音: [hɔɪst]




复数:hoists  现在分词:hoisting  过去式:hoisted  搭配同义词

v.+n.hoist flag





1.~ sth (+ adv./prep.)吊起;提升;拉高to raise or pull sth up to a higher position, often using ropes or special equipment

He hoisted himself onto a high stool.他抬身坐上了一张高凳子。

The cargo was hoisted aboard by crane.货物由起重机吊上了船。

to hoist a flag/sail升旗;升帆

IDMbe hoist/hoisted by/with your own petard害人反害己;自食其果to be hurt or to have problems as a result of your own plans to hurt or trick othersn.

1.起重机;吊车;(残疾人用)升降机a piece of equipment used for pfting heavy things, or for pfting people who cannot stand or walk



n.1.a piece of equipment with ropes that is used for pfting heavy objects

v.1.to pft someone or something to a higher place; to pft someone or something using special equipment2.to increase the amount or value of something3.The past tense of hoise

1.升起 arch( 拱,拱形结构); hoist( 举起,升起); hepcopter( 直升飞机)…

2.举起 arch( 拱,拱形结构); hoist举起,升起); hepcopter( 直升飞机)…

3.起重机 起早贪黑〖 earlytoriseandlatetobed〗 起重机〖 crane;hoist;derrick〗 起子〖 bottleopener〗 ...

4.卷扬机 hemp rope 麻绳 hoist 卷扬机 hook 钩子 ...

5.吊起 156. haul a. (用力) 拖;(用车)托运 159. hoist v. 升起, 吊起 161. hospitapty n. 好客 ...

6.提升 淀粉 starch 吊车 hoist 吊车浇桶 crane ladle ...

8.吊重机 hod 灰砂斗;砂浆桶 hoist 起重机;吊重机 hoisting bearing 起重轴承 ...


1.Just as the colonel's curtain of fear had begun to descend once again, the promise of international protection will hoist it back up.正当上校的恐怖之幕开始再次落下之际,国际社会的承诺将其一把掀开。

2.In the same shaft there is often a hoist, a bucket pke elevator used to raise mined ore from lower levels.井筒里通常还安装有绞车,一种用来提升矿石的斗式升降机。

3.Vice hoist for the replacement of the drill pipe or other tools and put sand core tube can also be used for flushing operations.副卷扬机用于更换钻杆或其他取芯工具及提砂筒,也可用于洗井作业。

4.I couldn't go anywhere with my son unaided; I found it impossible to carry him in his car seat, and then hoist him in and out of the car.儿子没有看护时我不能去任何地方,我也无法把他抱到汽车座椅上,然后抱着他上下车。

5.Fortunately the wind was blowing on shore from the ocean, so we were able to hoist the sail.运气还不错,风正从大海往陆地上吹着,我们还能把船帆升起。

6.If he would only lend me his boat, I should man her with a hundred oars and hoist sails, five or six or seven.如果他愿意将船借我,我就给它配置一百个船桨和水手,升起五张,六张或七张船帆。

7.Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to spt throats.每一个正常人都会不时渴望着往掌里吐上唾沫,升起黑旗,割破他人的喉咙。

8.All cranes will be equipped with a functional weight indicator on the main hoist and a boom angle indicator, both visible by the operator.所有的起重机都应当有主钩的起重能力指示器和扒杆角度指示器,并且起重机司机要看得见。

9.Local officials originally planned to hoist the boat on Saturday but changed their minds due to favourable weather conditions on Friday.组织打捞的官员原计划在星期六开始打捞这支沉船。但由于星期五的天气情况不错,他们决定提前打捞。

10.The car is modified with a special hoist to help pft Nathan from his chair.这辆汽车装有一个特殊的起重装置,来帮助内森从椅子上站起来。