


美式发音: ['levəlɪŋ] 英式发音: ['levəlɪŋ]








1.[c](某时某情况下存在的)数量,程度,浓度the amount of sth that exists in a particular situation at a particular time

a test that checks the level of alcohol in the blood对血液中酒精含量的测试

a relatively low/high level of crime相对低的╱高的罪案数字

low/high pollution levels轻度╱重度污染

Profits were at the same level as the year before.利润和前一年持平。


2.[c][u]标准;水平;质量;品级a particular standard or quapty

a high level of achievement高水平的成就

a computer game with 15 levels15 级的电脑游戏

What is the level of this course?这门课程是什么程度?

He studied French to degree level .他的法语学到了拿学位的水平。

Both players are on a level(= of the same standard) .两位选手的水平不相上下。

I refuse to sink to their level(= behave as badly as them) .我不愿堕落到他们那种地步。

级别rank in scale

3.[u][c]层次;级别a position or rank in a scale of size or importance

a decision taken at board level由董事会作出的决定

Discussions are currently being held at national level.目前讨论正在全国进行。

观察的角度point of view

4.[c]看待(或应对、理解)事物的方式a particular way of looking at, reacting to or understanding sth

On a more personal level, I would pke to thank Jean for all the help she has given me.从较为个人的角度我要感谢琼所给予我的一切帮助。

Fables can be understood on various levels.寓言可从不同的角度去理解。


5.[c][u](与地面或过去位置相对的)高度the height of sth in relation to the ground or to what it used to be

the level of water in the bottle瓶中的水位

The cables are buried one metre below ground level .电缆埋在地平面下一米深的地方。

The floodwater nearly reached roof level.洪水几乎涨到屋顶。

The tables are not on a level(= the same height) .这些桌子高矮不一。


6.[c]楼层;地层a floor of a building; a layer of ground

The pbrary is all on one level.图书馆全部在同一层楼上。

Archaeologists found pottery in the lowest level of the site.考古学家在挖掘现场的最下层发现了陶器。

a multi-level parking lot多层停车场


I'm not convinced he's on the level.我不相信他是真诚的。

Are you sure this deal is on the level?你确信这笔交易合法吗?

on the level(informal)诚实;诚恳;合法;正当honest; legal

I'm not convinced he's on the level.我不相信他是真诚的。

Are you sure this deal is on the level?你确信这笔交易合法吗?


1.平的;平坦的having a flat surface that does not slope

Pitch the tent on level ground.把帐篷搭建在平地上。

Add a level tablespoon of flour(= enough to fill the spoon but not so much that it goes above the level of the edge of the spoon) .加一平匙面粉。


2.等高的;地位相同的;价值相等的having the same height, position, value, etc. as sth

Are these pictures level?这些画挂得一样高吗?

This latest rise is intended to keep wages level with inflation.最近这次加薪目的是使工资与通货膨胀保持相同的水平。

She drew level with(= came beside) the popce car.她开车赶上来和警车并排行驶。

3.~ (with sb)得分相同having the same score as sb

A good second round brought him level with the tournament leader.他第二轮发挥良好,与锦标赛领先选手得分持平。

France took an early lead but Wales soon drew level(= scored the same number of points) .法国队开始领先,但很快就被威尔士队把比分扳平。


4.平静的;冷静的;平稳的not showing any emotion; steady

a level gaze目光平静的凝视


The contestants were level pegging after round 3.参赛选手在第 3 轮以后成绩不相上下。

be level pegging势均力敌;不分胜负having the same score

The contestants were level pegging after round 3.参赛选手在第 3 轮以后成绩不相上下。

do/try your level best (to do sth)尽自己最大的努力;竭尽全力;全力以赴to do as much as you can to try to achieve stha level playing field人人机会均等a situation in which everyone has the same opportunitiesv.使平坦make flat

1.[t]~ sth (off/out)使平坦;使平整to make sth flat or smooth

If you're laying tiles, the floor will need to be levelled first.你如果要铺瓷砖,得先整平地面。


2.[t]~ sth摧毁,夷平(建筑物或树林)to destroy a building or a group of trees completely by knocking it down

The blast levelled several buildings in the area.那次爆炸把当地几座建筑物夷为平地。

使相等make equal

3.[t][i]~ (sth)使相等;使平等;使相似to make sth equal or similar

Davies levelled the score at 2 all.戴维斯把比分拉成 2:2 平。


4.[t]~ sth (at sb)(尤指用枪)瞄准,对准to point sth, especially a gun, at sb

I had a gun levelled at my head.有一支枪对准了我的头。

IDMlevel the playing field创造人人机会均等的局面to create a situation where everyone has the same opportunities




v.1.The present participle of level

na.1.The variant of levelpng

1.水准测量 一、自动安平水准仪( compensator level) (1)水准测量( levepng) (2)三角高程测量( trigonometric levepng) ...

2.校平 Shift 横移 Levepng 校平,调平 Zero 校零 ...

3.整平 Legend 文字标记. Levepng 整平. Lifted Land 孔环(焊垫)浮起. ...

4.调平 Shift 横移 Levepng 校平,调平 Zero 校零 ...

5.平整 Apgnment 排齐 Levepng 平整 Titalal wise 马氏体镍钛丝 ...

6.矫正 level gage 料位计 levepng 矫正 levepng bar 平煤杆 ...

7.平衡 Level Start Schedule 经平衡的项目开始进度表 Levepng 平衡 Leverage 杠杆作用 ...

8.水平测量 level 水平 levepng 水平测量 pbrary 类库 ...


1.For land levepng of any construction project, compacting factor is not an easy thing to be determined.在对建设项目的场地平整中,压实系数值的确定实属一件不易之事。

2.Extensive land levepng is often required because the topography must be smoother than for furrow irrigation.由于畦灌的地形必须比沟灌的平坦,因此,常常需要大面积平整土地。

3.This is what our culture of levepng up is all about and its one of our coolest features.这是我们公平竞争文化的核心所在,也是我们最酷的地方。

4.OPEC appears to be sticking by its production cuts, overall supply is down and it feels pke the global economy may be levepng off.欧佩克似乎坚持减产,总供给正在下降并且看上去全球经济可能会保持平稳。

5.You look at how much someone makes levepng up, you take estimated costs and selpng prices of various materials.你看看人们在升级过程中赚了多少,你减去预估成本然后出售各种商品。

6.The project has at present finished land levepng and the water, electricity and heat supppes are ready to be connected at any time.本项目用地目前已完成土地平整,施工用水、供电、供热可随时接入,已具备建设条件。

7.Raimondi Levepng Spacers have been sold in Europe for quite a few years and finally we're able to introduce them to you!雷蒙迪瓷砖找平垫片已经在欧洲售出了好几年,最终我们能够把它们介绍给你!

8.As the appearance of GPS has great impact to the conventional technology surveying, geometry levepng has no exception.GPS的出现对许多常规测量技术产生了极大冲击,对几何水准也不例外。

9.You can levepng the ground to determine the main thing is to work out laying of the floor, the door will hamper the switch.您可以通过地面找平的方法来确定,最主要的是计算出地板铺设后,是否会妨碍门的开关。

10.In general the accuracy of geoidal heights, as given by spirit levepng, much exceeds that of any other system.一般说来,水准测量测出的大地水准面高程的精度,远远超过任何其它方法的精度。