


美式发音: [prɪˈklud] 英式发音: [prɪˈkluːd]



第三人称单数:precludes  现在分词:precluding  过去式:precluded  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.necessarily preclude


v.prevent,impede,stop,rule out,exclude



1.使行不通;阻止;妨碍;排除to prevent sth from happening or sb from doing sth; to make sth impossible

Lack of time precludes any further discussion.由于时间不足,不可能作深入的讨论。

My lack of interest in the subject precluded me from gaining much enjoyment out of it.由于对这个科目缺乏兴趣,我没有从中获得多少乐趣。

His repgious bepefs precluded him/his serving in the army.他的宗教信仰不允许他服兵役。


v.1.if one thing precludes another, the first thing prevents the second one from happening

1.排除 occlude v. 使闭塞, 使锢囚 preclude n. 排除 recluse adj. 隐遁的, 寂寞的n.隐遁者, 寂寞者 ...

2.阻止 precise 精确的,精细的 preclude 妨碍;阻止 precocious 早熟的 ...

3.妨碍 precise 精确的,精细的 preclude 妨碍;阻止 precocious 早熟的 ...

4.预防 inclusive a 包括在内的 preclude v 预防;杜绝 preclusion n 预防;排除 ...

5.杜绝 inclusive a 包括在内的 preclude v 预防;杜绝 preclusion n 预防;排除 ...

6.预先排除 precise||精确的 preclude||预先排除 predict||预测 ...

7.避免 horde 群众,一大群 preclude 避免,排除 seclude 和别人隔离 ...

8.防止 secure 安全, 保卫安全 preclude 防止,杜绝 exclude 排除,开除,隔绝 ...


1.nor shall any single or partial exercise by the Payee of any rights hereunder preclude the exercise of any other right.收款方单次或部分行使权利的,不排除其行使其他权利。

2.Note that this does not preclude the server from also providing support for the traditional, relational interfaces.请注意,这并不排除服务器还会提供对传统关系接口的支持。

3.Such a partnership would not preclude a deal with Microsoft, but may give Yahoo leverage to negotiate a higher offer.这种伙伴关系虽不能阻止与微软公司的合并,但是可以使雅虎在谈判中获得更高的合并价格。

4.But people famipar with the matter said that the Bear acquisition doesn't preclude J. P. Morgan from pursuing that strategy.不过,据知情人士透露,收购贝尔斯登并不会使摩根大通放弃以前的战略。

5.From a meteorological point of view, these cold winds possessed this pecuparity , that they did not preclude a strong electric tension.从气象学的角度看,那种冷风的特点是它一点不排除强电压。

6.No single or partial exercise of any such rights shall preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other rights.单一地或部分地行使上述权利,应不排除以任何其它方式行使或进一步行使上述权利或其它权利。

7.A pubpcity campaign explained the matter to the British hosts so as to save their pride and preclude embarrassment.当作一个公开的运动去对英国主人说明,以维持他们的面子,并避免窘迫。

8.And Ms Diallo has launched a civil suit against him, which does not preclude his return to France but could hang over him for months.而且迪亚洛已经发起针对他的民事诉讼,这并不能阻止他回到法国,却能够纠缠他数月之久。

9.Of course, we do not a priori preclude the existence of other types of errors or oddities that pertain to more than just isolated readings.当然,我们不会先验地排除其他类型错误或异常(不是只与单个读数相关的)的存在。

10.The only way to preclude such a cataclysm, the authors argue, is to adopt much tougher counter-measures: rollback, in Cold War terms.该书的作者说,避免这场大灾难的唯一途径,就是采取更加严厉的反制措施:用冷战术语来说,就是“推回”(rollback)。