




1.达菲 Angel - Akon 阿肯 Well,Well,Well - Duffy 黛菲 - Mohombi 莫红比/阿肯 ...

3.达菲熊达菲熊Duffy )是东京廸士尼海洋里的原创玩偶角色。最初在东京迪士尼海洋登场时名为「Disney Bear」。

4.杜菲杜菲Duffy) 认为“学习策略是内隐的学习规则系统。”温斯坦(C·E·Weinstein,1985)认为:“学习策略在广义上指由研究工 …

5.杜飞最近火箭又打了一杆满分,我想知道当时的对手亚当 杜飞(duffy)的资料我来帮他解答 相关内容 其他回答 共1条 普通登录 手机登录

6.达芙像达芙(Duffy)、阿黛尔(Adele)、利昂娜·刘易斯(Leona Lewis)、凯蒂·佩里(Katy Perry)、乔纳森兄弟等。他们都是过去一年里, …



1.To Jody Duffy, abortion is personal. As a young army officer, she was date raped. She had an abortion.对朱迪·达菲而言,堕胎纯属私事。当她还是一名年轻军官时,她在约会时遭受强奸,然后就堕胎了。

2.Ms. Hempel watched as Ms. Duffy was escorted out of the faculty lounge, in search of her former fifth graders.亨佩尔老师看着达夫老师被大家带出教师休息室,她想找她以前那些五年级的学生。

3.A spokesman, Beau Duffy, wrote saying that "There really isn't much of a local connection here" and that Tonko had no comment.一位发言人博·达菲(BeauDuffy)写道“这确实与当地没多少关系”,而唐考没作评论。

4.Mr. Duffy spent two weeks at home, grieving with his wife and four remaining children.杜菲在家呆了两周,与妻子和四个幸存的孩子共度难关。

5.Perhaps this was the first of many foreign transactions that had resulted, so spectacularly, in Ms. Duffy's new belly.也许这是众多对外交流中有结果的一项,而且在达夫这个孕妇老师的努力下,又收获良多。

6."We thought they were going to be popular, but we underestimated just how popular, " confessed Duffy. "It's gone absolutely wild. "达菲说:“我们料到这些面具会受欢迎,但没想到这么受欢迎。绝对卖疯了。”

7.Mr Duffy said Ikea remained interested in India, and would continue to press for a relaxation of the foreign ownership restrictions.杜福延表示,宜家仍对印度抱有兴趣,并将继续推动(印度政府)放松对外资所有权的限制。

8.Under Mr. Duffy, the chief executive, the company has grown despite the stress of the financial crisis.在首席执行长杜菲的领导下,公司顶住金融危机的压力,持续成长。

9.People who do not express the Duffy blood-group protein were thought to be safe from infection by Plasmodium vivax.不会表型为杜菲血型蛋白的人,被认为不会被间日疟原虫所感染。

10.Joe Duffy psts some of these including verifiable thread safety and automatic parallepsm.JoeDuffy列出了其中的一些,包括可验证的线程安全(verifiablethreadsafety)以及自动化的并行性(automaticparallepsm)。